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National Water & Sanitation Master Plan (NW&SMP)

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SDG 6 Task Teams



The NW&SMP forms part of a suite of initiatives led by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) in conjunction with other government departments and agencies, the private sector and civil society to ensure that we address the crisis in the water and sanitation sector and aim for a water secure future with reliable water and sanitation services for all, and that these contribute towards meeting national development objectives.

While this plan is led by DWS, it is a country-wide plan – the challenge facing us requires concerted effort by all water users in government and outside. This first-of-its-kind NW&SMP introduces a new paradigm that will guide the South African water sector, led by the Departmentof Water and Sanitation and supported by local government and other sector partners, towards the urgent execution of tangible actions that will make a real impact on the supply and use of water and sanitation.


  • ✔ Sets out a schedule of prioritised actions for the period to 2030 that will create a water and sanitation sector that can meet national objectives as set out in the National Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals
  • ✔ Sets out the roles and responsibilities in government, the private sector and civil society for the implementation of the plan

Volume 1 of the NW&SMP is the Call to Action, which is divided into two sections, Water and Sanitation Management, and Enabling Environment, each having six sub-sections. Each section includes critical actions that, when implemented, will have a significant impact on addressing the crisis.

Volume 2: Plan to Action provides a more detailed analysis of and rationale for the key issues in the twelve sub-sections of the Call to Action.

Volume 3: Schedule of Actions provides a detailed costed implementation plan covering all the actions required across the sector to achieve the objectives of the plan.

Implementation of the NW&SMP will be reviewed and reported on annually, and the NW&SMP will be updated accordingly in an adaptive management approach. In addition, to address the issues confronting the water and sanitation sector in greater depth, a process of engagements with key sector players will be put in place, culminating in a mini-Operation Phakisa which will bring together the key players in the water and sanitation sector for in-depth planning. The results of this engagement process will be captured in updates to the NW&SMP.

It is important to note that the SDG 6 programme is a key Driver of the NW&SMP and will influence the plan and the actions thereof as we progress towards 2030. In turn, the NW&SMP is one of the key ‘Vehicles of Change’ that the SDG 6 Programme will be focusing on to turn the gaps identified within the 8 Targets into clear and tangible actions that will ultimately close the same gaps identified by 2030.

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