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More definitions, conventions and a cartesian coordinate system.

Denote the longitude minus the central meridian by s. Denote vectors by covering arrow like so tex2html_wrap_inline1243. Denote points in 3-dimensional space by lower case tex2html_wrap_inline1243. Denote points on the map by upper case tex2html_wrap_inline1247. Let the origin of our 3 dimensional coordinate system be at the center of the earth. Let the z axis lie along the earths axis and up through the north pole. Let the x axis go from the center of the earth along the equatorial plane to the central meridian. The y axis also lies in the equatorial plane and is perpendicular to and east of the x axis.

The parametric equations of the spheroid is :-
Where t is the geocentirc latitude and s is the longitude.

John Carter
Fri Feb 21 14:23:22 SAT 1997