/* catalog creates summary HTML files and thumbnail JPG files for coverages /* in a selected directory /* 1) Creates list of coverages /* 2) For each coverage /* | /* +-Creates HTML file with +-- summary of "source" metadata information /* | +-- summary of attributes /* | +-- ref to "postage stamp" map /* | +-- Arc/Info "DESCRIBE" summary /* | /* +-Creates JPG file with "postage stamp" map /* /* Michael Silberbauer May 1995 (cf. imager.aml) /* " " Nov 1995 - sorted out a few emergent pupae. /* " " Aug 1996 - checked the .adf extension used by Arc 7 /* " " Aug 1997 - added substantial HTML capabilities /* " " Sep 1998 - rooted out unused features /* " " Dec 1999 - creats catalogue files in new directory /* " " Mar 2000 - creats JPG thumbnails with CONVERTIMAGE /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- &args dir Graphics LastCov &type ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- &type Catalog summarises the metadata for a single coverage &type or all the coverages in a particular directory. &type Michael Silberbauer May 1995... &type ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- &type Usage catalog dir {Graphics} {LastCov} &type Usage catalog cover {Graphics} {LastCov} &type ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- &type e.g. catalog /hri/db/cover/s-africa {G} (creates JPG thumbnail map for each cover) &type e.g. catalog /hri/db/cover/s-africa {C} (creates JPG thumbnail map for each cover if none already exists) &type e.g. catalog /hri/db/cover/s-africa {N} (creates only HTML file for each cover, regardless of JPG files) &type LastCov is only used for debugging, to limit the number of covers processed. &type ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- &type For a simpler catalogue, which does not require an Arc/Info licence, &type but without graphics and attribute information, try: &type cd &type pr -f -w80 */source* | lp -dhp4si &type ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Housekeeping: identify user, set file names &sv User [translate [substr [username] 1 1]][substr [username] 2 [calc [length [username]] - 1]] &type Closing all open files: &sv close = [close -all] &sv html_dir = /hri/db/cover/catalog &sv tempcatfile = %html_dir%/catlis.htm &sv prov = /hri/db/cover/s-africa/spr_500 /* date in ISO format &sv ISOdate = [date -year]-[substr[date -usa] 1 2]-[substr[date -vmsdate] 1 2] - [before[date -vmstime] .] /* Create the main HTML index file: &sv TxtF = [open %tempcatfile% OpenStatus -write] &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote IWQS GIS coverage catalogue]] &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote

Geographic Information Systems Coverages at the Institute for Water Quality Studies

]] &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote

Created by user %User% with catalog.aml on %ISOdate%

]] &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote
]] &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote
Some form of copyright exists for most of these coverages, and we only intend them for use within the Department of Water and Sanitation.]] &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote
]] &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote
Please click on an underlined file name to list its metadata.]] &if [null %dir%] | [quote %dir%] = # | [quote %dir%] = . &then &sv dir = [show workspace] &if [null %Graphics%] &then &sv Graphics = C &else &do &if [locase [substr [quote %Graphics%] 1 1]] = 'g' &then &sv Graphics = G &if [locase [substr [quote %Graphics%] 1 1]] = 'c' &then &sv Graphics = C &if %Graphics% <> G and %Graphics% <> C &then &sv Graphics N &end /* Find out whether this is a single coverage, or a directory. /* If a directory, how many coverages exist in the directory? &if [exists %dir% -cover] &then &do &type Processing the single coverage %dir%: &sv Single = .true. &sv nCovers = 1 &sv LastCov = 1 &end &else &do &type Now making catalogue of data in %dir% &sv Single = .false. &if [exists tempcatlist -file] &then &sys \rm tempcatlist &sv nCovers = [filelist %dir% tempcatlist -FULL -cover -all] &sv CovF = [open tempcatlist OpenStatus -read] /* Generate HTML table of coverage names with two coverage names per line: &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote ]] &sv StartLine = .true. &do nCov = 1 &to %nCovers% &sv cover = [read %CovF% ReadStatus] &if %StartLine% &then &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote ]] &sv wtf ~ [write %TxtF% ~ [quote ]] &if %StartLine% &then &sv StartLine = .false. &else &do &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote ]] &sv StartLine = .true. &end &end &if ^ %StartLine% &then &do &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote ]] &sv StartLine = .true. &end &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote
%nCov%%dir%/[entryname %cover%]
]] &sv CloseCovF = [close %CovF%] &sv CovF = [open tempcatlist OpenStatus -read] &type %nCovers% coverages found in %dir% &if [null %LastCov%] &then &sv LastCov = %nCovers% &else &if %LastCov% > %nCovers% &then &sv LastCov = %nCovers% &sv nCovSel = ( %LastCov% ) &if %nCovers% < 1 &then &stop No coverages found in %dir%. &end /* Type confirmation details: &type Date: %ISOdate% &type AML: %AML$FULLFILE% &type Username [username] &type Directory: %dir% &type nCovSel: %nCovSel% &type LastCov: %LastCov% &type tempcatfile: %tempcatfile% &type Graphics: %Graphics% &if [exists /prjws8/users/michael/script/whatami -file] &then &sys /prjws8/users/michael/script/whatami &do nCov = 1 &to %LastCov% &if %Single% &then &sv cover = %dir% &else &sv cover = [read %CovF% ReadStatus] &sv covernd = [calc [length %cover%] - 1] &sv coverfile = %cover% /* Store standard Arc/Info data about the coverage in a file for later use: &if [exists describe.tmp -file] &then &sv deldesc [delete describe.tmp -file] listoutput describe.tmp describe %cover% listoutput screen &sv source_html %html_dir%/[entryname %cover%].htm &sv SorF [open %source_html% OpenStatus -write] &type HTML file = %source_html% with open status %OpenStatus% &if [exists tempdesc.tmp -file] &then &sv ddes [delete tempdesc.tmp -file] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote IWQS GIS coverage [entryname %cover%]]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
]] &if [exists %cover%/source -file] &then &do &sv Close_SorF [close %SorF%] &sys echo '

' >> %source_html% &sys nawk -f /prjws8/users/michael/data/sour2desc.awk %cover%/source >> %source_html% &sys echo '

' >> %source_html% &sv SorF [open %source_html% OpenStatus -append] &end &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
]] &call DateStampDir &sv cov [substr [entryname %cover%] 1 3] &sv er [substr [entryname %cover%] 4 [calc [length [entryname %cover%]] - 3]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote

(%nCov%) %dir%/%cov%%er%

]] &type %dir% &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote Institute for Water Quality Studies metadata.
] ] &sv ISOdate = [date -year]-[substr[date -usa] 1 2]-[substr[date -vmsdate] 1 2] - [before[date -vmstime] .] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote Summary created by user %User% with catalog.aml on %ISOdate%]] &type File owner: %owner%, datestamp: %date% &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
File owner: %owner%, last modified: %date%]] ArcPlot display 1040 tempcatalog &type -tempcatalog mapextent %cover% shadeset color pageunits cm textset font textsymbol 1 &call MapFrame &if ^ [exists %cover%/source] and ^ [exists %cover%/source.adf] &then &do &type No source file for %cover% &sv wtf [write %SorF% 'No metadata file (source) available.'] &if [exists sources/[entryname %cover%] -file] &then &do &type Retrieving sources/[entryname %cover%] into %cover%/source: &sys cp sources/[entryname %cover%] %cover%/source &end &end &sv ctf [close %SorF%] &sys echo '

Projection information (see end of this page for details)
' >> %source_html% &sys grep -i projection describe.tmp >> %source_html% &sys echo '
' >> %source_html% &sys grep -i spheroid describe.tmp >> %source_html% &sys echo '
' >> %source_html% &if [exists %cover%/source] &then &sys nawk -f /prjws8/users/michael/data/sour2htm.awk %cover%/source >> %source_html% &if [exists %cover%/source.adf] &then &sys nawk -f /prjws8/users/michael/data/sour2htm.awk %cover%/source.adf >> %source_html% &sv SorF = [open %source_html% OpenStatus -append] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote

]] &echo &on /*Debug Bailing out of ARCPLOT &call FeatureTypeTable quit &echo &off /*Debug Bailing out of ARCPLOT &call ThumbNailMap &sv ctf [close %SorF%] &sys echo '
' >> %source_html% &sys echo '
Map specifications:' >> %source_html% &sys echo '
' >> %source_html%
  &sys cat describe.tmp >> %source_html%
  &sys echo '
' >> %source_html% &sys echo ' ' >> %source_html% &end &sv wtf [write %TxtF% [quote ]] &sv cTxtF [close %TxtF%] &sv ISOdate = [date -year]-[substr[date -usa] 1 2]-[substr[date -vmsdate] 1 2] - [before[date -vmstime] .] &type Completed %AML$FULLFILE% at %ISOdate% &if [exists tempcatlist -file] &then &sys \rm tempcatlist &if [exists tempcatalog.gra -file] &then &sys \rm tempcatalog.gra &return /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &routine SizePage &sv page_x = [calc [extract 3 [show mapextent]] - [extract 1 [show mapextent]] ] &sv page_y = [calc [extract 4 [show mapextent]] - [extract 2 [show mapextent]] ] &sv page_max = [max %page_x% %page_y%] &sv xp = [calc 100 * ( %page_x% / %page_max% ) ] &sv yp = [calc 100 * ( %page_y% / %page_max% ) ] &sv xm = 0.1 &sv ym = 0.1 &return /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &routine DateStampFile &if [exists tempdirlist -file] &then &sys \rm tempdirlist &if [exists %coverfile% -file] &then &do &sys \ls -l %coverfile% > tempdirlist &sys \cat tempdirlist &sv CovI = [open tempdirlist OpenStatus -read] &sv di = [unquote [read %CovI% ReadStatus]] &sv close = [close %CovI%] &type %di% &sv owner = [extract 3 %di%] /*&sv size = [calc [extract 4 %di%] / 1024] &sv size = [calc [extract 5 %di%] / 1024] &if %size% < 1 &then &sv filsiz = 1k &else &sv filsiz = [round %size%]k /*&sv td = [extract 7 %di%] &sv td = [extract 8 %di%] &if [quote [substr %td% 3 1]] = ':' &then /*&sv date = [extract 6 %di%] [extract 5 %di%] (less than 1yr ago) &sv date = [extract 7 %di%] [extract 6 %di%] (less than 1yr ago) &else /*&sv date = [extract 6 %di%] [extract 5 %di%] [extract 7 %di%] &sv date = [extract 7 %di%] [extract 6 %di%] [extract 8 %di%] &end &else &do &sv date = ? &sv owner = ? &sv filsiz = ? &sv close = [close %CovI%] &end &return /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &routine DateStampDir &if [exists tempdirlist -file] &then &sys \rm tempdirlist &sys ls -ld %coverfile% > tempdirlist &sys cat tempdirlist &sv CovI = [open tempdirlist OpenStatus -read] &if %OpenStatus% = 0 &then &do &sv di = [unquote [read %CovI% ReadStatus]] &sv close = [close %CovI%] &type %di% &sv owner = [extract 3 %di%] /*&sv td = [extract 7 %di%] &sv td = [extract 8 %di%] &if [quote [substr %td% 3 1]] = ':' &then /*&sv date = [extract 6 %di%] [extract 5 %di%] (less than 1yr ago) &sv date = [extract 7 %di%] [extract 6 %di%] (less than 1yr ago) &else /*&sv date = [extract 6 %di%] [extract 5 %di%] [extract 7 %di%] &sv date = [extract 7 %di%] [extract 6 %di%] [extract 8 %di%] &end &else &do &sv date = ? &sv owner = ? &type File error %OpenStatus% on tempdirlist: date = %date% &sv close = [close %CovI%] &end &return /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &routine FeatureTypeTable /* Tabulate the feature types: &do type &list Annotation Arc Point Polygon &if [exists %cover% -%type%] &then &do &if %type% = Annotation &then &sv fil = txt &if %type% = Arc &then &sv fil = aat &if %type% = Point &then &sv fil = pat &if %type% = Polygon &then &sv fil = pat &sv coverfile = %cover%/%fil% &call DateStampFile &if %type% = Annotation &then &do &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
%type% items, %filsiz%byte:]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
%date%, %owner%:]] &end &else &do &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
%type% items, %filsiz%byte:]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
%date%, %owner%:]] &sv items [listitem %cover% -%type% -all -all tempitem.lis] &sys cat tempitem.lis &if %items% > 1 &then &type checking %items% INFO items &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
%items% data fields]] &sv InfF = [open tempitem.lis OpenStatus -read] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &if %items% > 0 &then &do ItIn = 1 &to %items% &sv itemName = [read %InfF% ReadStatus] &sv itemDefn = [iteminfo %cover% -%type% %itemName% -definition] &if [iteminfo %cover% -%type% %itemName% -redefined] &then &sv itemRedf = (ReDefined) &else &sv itemRedf = [unquote ''] &if [iteminfo %cover% -%type% %itemName% -indexed] &then &sv itemIndx = (Indexed) &else &sv itemIndx = [unquote ''] &sv fieldwidth = [extract 1 %itemDefn%] &sv fieldtype = [extract 3 %itemDefn%] &if %fieldtype% = B &then &sv fieldtype = binary &if %fieldtype% = C &then &sv fieldtype = character &if %fieldtype% = F &then &sv fieldtype = floatpnt &if %fieldtype% = I &then &sv fieldtype = integer &if %fieldtype% = N &then &sv fieldtype = numeric &sv fielddecs = [extract 4 %itemDefn%] &if %fieldtype% = character &then &do &sv eg = [unquote '-'] clearselect %cover% %type% reselect %cover% %type% %itemName% ne '' &sv nSelItm = [extract 1 [show select %cover% %type%]] &if %nSelItm% > 0 &then &do &sv eg = [quote [show select %cover% %type% 1 item %itemName%]] &sv eg = [quote [subst %eg% '[' '(' ]] &sv eg = [subst %eg% ']' ')' ] &sv eg = [unquote %eg% ] &end &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &end &else &do &sv eg = 0 clearselect %cover% %type% reselect %cover% %type% %itemName% > 0 &sv nSelItm = [extract 1 [show select %cover% %type%]] &if %nSelItm% > 0 &then &do &sv eg = [quote [show select %cover% %type% 1 item %itemName%]] &sv eg = [quote [subst %eg% '[' '(' ]] &sv eg = [subst %eg% ']' ')' ] &sv eg = [unquote %eg% ] &end &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &end &end &sv closeinf = [close %InfF%] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
%itemName%%eg%%fieldwidth% %fieldtype% %itemRedf% %itemIndx%
%itemName%%eg%%fieldwidth%.%fielddecs% %fieldtype% %itemRedf% %itemIndx%
]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
]] &end &end &end &return /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &routine ThumbNailMap &sv cov_jpg = %html_dir%/[entryname %cover%].jpg &sv cov_jgw = %html_dir%/[entryname %cover%].jgw &if %Graphics% = G and [exists %cov_jpg% -file] &then &sv djpg [delete %cov_jpg% -file] &if %Graphics% = N or ( %Graphics% = C and [exists %cov_jpg% -file] ) &then &type Not creating graphic &else &do ArcPlot display 1040 tempcatalog &type -tempcatalog mapextent %cover% shadeset color textset font textsymbol 1 markerset mineral mapposition cen cen mapextent %cover% clipmapextent off &sv page_x = [calc [extract 3 [show mapextent]] - [extract 1 [show mapextent]] ] &sv page_y = [calc [extract 4 [show mapextent]] - [extract 2 [show mapextent]] ] &sv page_max = [max %page_x% %page_y%] &sv xp = [calc 10 * ( %page_x% / %page_max% ) ] &sv yp = [calc 10 * ( %page_y% / %page_max% ) ] &sv disp_max = [max %xp% %yp%] &sv disp_scale = [calc 256 / %disp_max%] &sv disp_x = [round [calc %disp_scale% * %xp%] ] &sv disp_y = [round [calc %disp_scale% * %yp%] ] display 9999 size %disp_x% %disp_y% pagesize %xp% %yp% mapposition cen cen mapextent %cover% clipmapextent off &type maplimits 0 0 %xp% %yp% maplimits 0 0 %xp% %yp% shadesymbol 14 shadecolor gray90 shadeput 14 linesymbol 1 box [show maplimits] /*patch [show maplimits] &if [exists %cover%/prj] or [exists %cover%/prj.adf] &then &do mapprojection AUTO %cover% clearselect %prov% poly reselect %prov% poly name = 'SEA' polygonshade %prov% 5 &end clearselect &severity &error &ignore &if [exists %cover% -arc] or [exists %cover% -polygon] or ~ [exists %cover%/arc -file] or [exists %cover%/arc.adf -file] ~ &then arcs %cover% &else pointmarkers %cover% 323 &severity &error &fail &if [exists tempras -file] &then &sv dt [delete tempras -file] &if [exists temprasw -file] &then &sv dt [delete temprasw -file] screensave tempras quit &type Converting graphics file %nCov% into JPG... &if [exists %cov_jpg% -file] &then &sv deljpg [delete %cov_jpg% -file] &if [exists %cov_jgw% -file] &then &sv deljgw [delete %cov_jgw% -file] convertimage tempras %cov_jpg% jfif &end &return /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &routine JPGpage arcplot &sv disp_max = [max %xp% %yp%] &sv disp_scale = [calc 256 / %disp_max%] &sv disp_x = [round [calc %disp_scale% * %xp%] ] &sv disp_y = [round [calc %disp_scale% * %yp%] ] display 9999 size %disp_x% %disp_y% pageunits cm pagesize %xp% %yp% plot tempcatalog box 0 0 %xp% %yp% quit &return /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &routine MapFrame /* Set up a neat frame for the thumbnail map: mapextent %cover% &sv xm1 = [extract 1 [show mapextent] ,] &sv ym1 = [extract 2 [show mapextent] ,] &sv xm2 = [extract 3 [show mapextent] ,] &sv ym2 = [extract 4 [show mapextent] ,] /* Round off coordinates to nearest metre, or nearest 1/1000 of a degree: &if [abs %xm1%] < 999 &then &sv xm1 [calc [round [calc 1000 * %xm1%]] / 1000] &else &sv xm1 [round %xm1% ] &if [abs %ym1%] < 999 &then &sv ym1 [calc [round [calc 1000 * %ym1%]] / 1000] &else &sv ym1 [round %ym1% ] &if [abs %xm2%] < 999 &then &sv xm2 [calc [round [calc 1000 * %xm2%]] / 1000] &else &sv xm2 [round %xm2% ] &if [abs %ym2%] < 999 &then &sv ym2 [calc [round [calc 1000 * %ym2%]] / 1000] &else &sv ym2 [round %ym2% ] &sv %xm1% = [unquote ''] &sv %xm2% = [unquote ''] &sv %ym1% = [unquote ''] &sv %ym2% = [unquote ''] &if %xm1% < 0 &then &sv xm1s W &if %xm1% > 0 &then &sv xm1s E &if %xm2% < 0 &then &sv xm2s W &if %xm2% > 0 &then &sv xm2s E &if %ym1% < 0 &then &sv ym1s S &if %ym1% > 0 &then &sv ym1s N &if %ym2% < 0 &then &sv ym2s S &if %ym2% > 0 &then &sv ym2s N clipmapextent off &type (%nCov%) %cover% map extents: &type %ym2% &type '|' &type '|' &type '|' &type %ym1% &type . %xm1% ------- %xm2% &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
Map extent:]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote ]] &sv wtf [write %SorF% [quote
]] &sv ctf [close %SorF%] &return