Calculations Involving Irrigation
Dose from Ingestion of Milk from Cows Grazing on Land which has been Irrigated with Contaminated Water
Adopt NUREG 1.109 approach.
Problem is addressed in three stages.
Stage 1: Concentration of radioactive material in vegetation (Civ)
The expression used to derive Civ is eq. A-8 on p. 1.109 - 15. Two components contribute to the total activity concentration.
Component 1 given in the first term of the bracketed expression refers to direct foliar deposition. This term is neglected as this is specifically excluded from the brief.
Component 2 refers to the uptake of radioactivity into vegetation from soil and can reflect long term deposition due to operation of a facility.
The modified expression taken from eq. A-8 for use in the project will therefore be:
Ciw - Bq× l-1 of nuclide i in water used for irrigation
I - L× m-2× h average irrigation rate during growing season
fi - fraction of year which crops are irrigated
Biv - soil to vegetable radionuclide concentration factor
r - effective surface density of soil kg× m-2
l i - radiological decay constant
tb - period of time for which soil is exposed to contaminated water
th - hold-up time between harvest and consumption
In the current case, tb will be assumed to be one year and th will be zero, and so exp(-l i× th) will therefore tend to one.
Stage 2: Concentration of radionuclides in milk
The radionuclide concentration in an animal product such as meat or milk is dependent on the amount of contaminated feed or forage eaten by the animal and its intake of contaminated water.
In the current case, the intake of contaminated water is neglected.
The radionuclide concentration Cim in milk is given by eq. A-11 of NUREG 1.109 on p. 1.109 - 16.
Cim = Fim × Civ × Qv
Fim - stable element transfer coefficient relating daily intake rate by an animal to concentration in milk, day× L-1.
Qv - Consumption rate of contaminated vegetable matter, kg× day-1.
Stage 3: Dose to man from ingestion of contaminated milk
The dose Di, is simply the product of the radionuclide concentration in milk Cim, the annual intake of milk Qm, and the ingestion dose coefficient for the particular nuclide:
Di = Cim × Qm × DCFi
Note: the above equations can be adapted to provide concentrations of radionuclides in various crop types using the appropriate transfer values. Dose to the consumer may then be calculated in a manner similar to the above example but using the appropriate consumption factors for the various crop types.