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Numerical solutions of trivial problem.

The simplest and most obvious approach to solving the flow equations is Euler's method. I review it here only because it is used in spreadsheet type models and it so aptly demonstrates the problem of model instability.

The equations of the trivial form of the problem are, again...

Euler's method gives us the values of V at time tex2html_wrap_inline3217 assuming we know the values of V at time t.

Where tex2html_wrap_inline3219

Now it is instructive to note what is actually used in the calculation of the next time step.

Ideally, the result should not depend on the value of the time step. If we take smaller time steps, the changes are smaller, but we take more steps, thus hopefully completely canceling out any effect the actual value of the time step may have. I must emphasize this further. Physically speaking, the lake does not have a time step, therefore this time step is purely an artifact of the way we solve the equations, and does not have anything to do with reality.

Again, where does Euler's method come from? It comes from Taylor's theorem. Taylor's theorem states that for any mathematically "nice-and-smooth" function Y(t), (where "nice-and-smooth" can be given a highly technical and precise meaning), the following is true.

Where tex2html_wrap_inline3221 is an unknown value anywhere from t to tex2html_wrap_inline3217.

Now Euler's method just says, if tex2html_wrap_inline3225 is small, and our function's second derivative V(t) is well-behaved (good boy function), we can ignore terms in tex2html_wrap_inline3227 and higher.

So when are we making significant errors? When for some tex2html_wrap_inline3221 between t and tex2html_wrap_inline3225, the error tex2html_wrap_inline3233 is significant. In this trivial case we can easily calculate this error...

Error in a single step of Euler's method

Where the volumes are evaluated at some time between t and tex2html_wrap_inline3217.

From this we can see...

Next: How can one recognise Up: Simple analytical models for Previous: Why a relaxation time

John Carter
Tue Jun 17 09:50:07 SAT 1997