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Taylor et al
``Proceedings of the Workshop on Water Requirements for Lake St Lucia - 1993''

Organised by the St. Lucia Ecological and Technical Committee (SCADCO) and held at Fanies Island, St. Lucia on 12 & 13th May 1992. Edited by RH Taylor.

This ``grey'' book book provides a broad overview from the perspectives of the 20 or so contributers. The book is made up of papers grouped into the following sessions...

Hutchison 1976
``Report No 1/76 HRU 1976 Lake St. Lucia mathematical modeling and evaluation of ameliorative measures.''
Looser et al
``Sediment problems in the Mfolozi catchment - Assessment of research requirements. - Editor: U. Looser - 1985'' The vast amounts of sediment deposited in the lower Mfolozi flood plain by Cyclone Domoina, provided the stimulus for this report.
Kelbe and Rawlins
``An evaluation of the Geohydrology of the eastern shores catchment of lake St Lucia. - BE Kelbe and BK Rawlins - 1992'' The Department of Hydrology at the University of Zululand evaluated the ground water component of Lake water budget for the eastern shores area.

This is the report on the groundwater component of the model.

Forbes et al
``LAKE ST LUCIA - Forbes AT, Breen CM, Goodman PS, Taylor RH. - 1987''

Report no 1 of the the lake St Lucia research programme of the Natal Parks Board.

``Abstract - The ecological characteristics and ecological and management problems of the Lake St Lucia System are briefly outlined. The recognition and adoption of sedimentation as a theme for the development of the research programme is described and explained. This is followed by a discussion of the conceptual basis of the programme, the research strategy and a listing of the major research fields and key questions. A list of existing projects and contributing organisations and individuals is provided.''

Kriel et al
``Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the alleged threat to animal and plant life in St, Lucia lake - 1966''


John Carter
Tue Jun 17 09:50:07 SAT 1997