' Name: Layout_Copy
' Title: Copy layout (Calef, FJ)
' Description: Copies a Layout and renames it...
' Author: Created by Fred J. Calef III, CH2M Hill Date:  4/6/1999
'Gets the Layout...

myProj = av.GetProject
someLayouts = myProj.GetDocswithGui(av.FindGui("Layout"))
alayoutChoice = MsgBox.ChoiceAsString(someLayouts,"Choose a Layout to copy:","Copy Layout")
if (alayoutChoice=nil) then
  return nil
theLayout = myProj.FindDoc(alayoutChoice.AsString)

'Copies the Layout and renames it...

newLayoutName = MsgBox.Input("Enter a new name for"++theLayout.AsString,"New Layout Name",theLayout.AsString++"-New")
if (newLayoutName=nil) then   'Cancels if the there is no Layout name
  return nil
if (av.FindDoc(newLayoutName).AsString=newLayoutName.AsString) then
  'Cancels if the Layout name already exists

  MsgBox.Error("That layout name already exists! Press the Copy Layout button again...","Layout Already Exists")
  return nil
  newLayout = theLayout.Clone

'End of script...