' Name: List_Themes
' Title: List all themes in APR file (Slopek P)
' Author: Peter Slopek
' Date:   02-05-2002 10:54
' Requires: System.GetFileDates
' ArcView -- www.quantdec.com
' Description: Original Question: Can someone tell me how to retrieve a file's creation
' date/time? I need to be able to tell when a shapefile was created.
'I apologize for the late SUM - I hoped to implement a solution before
'summing, and then the project specs changed, and I no longer needed to know
'the file's date/time.
'However, I would like to thank the following people for responding to my
'question: Gary Greenberg, Gordon Chinander, Andy Wright, Chris Beckom,
'Madhavi Latha, Ben Logan and Peter Slopek.
'I suspected that the final solution would involve an WinAPI call, and I was
'Chris sent me an ArcView project called filefunctions.apr that he had picked
'up someplace, but couldn't remember where. It turned out the .apr is
'available from the ArcScripts web page. This apr includes example code for
'doing a number of file functions - it did not include an example for
'retrieving the file date/time, but it did include an example for copying a
'file, which is something I've wanted to know how to do for other scripts
'I've written. He also sent a link to a web site that has a downloadable
'reference to the api calls: http://www.vbapi.com. I checked out the site,
'but couldn't figure out how to find what I wanted - this is my first foray
'into WinAPI.
'Sample code to do what I asked was provided by Peter. He provided 2 scripts
'which are used to create a .dbf file showing the source file path, type
'(polygon, point, etc), theme definition, file date, and file time. The
'script code is found below. One note - it reports the date in European
'format (d/m/y), so you might need to modify the data format in the a =
'av.run("GetFDT",{fname,TRUE,"dd.MM.yy","HH:mm"}) line of code in the List of
'Themes script if you want to use the scripts. The List of Themes script is
'used as a click script on a button/menu item.
'Terese Rowekamp
'List of Themes script
'Program to list themes and tables in project
'This program will find all the views in a project,
' and then all the themes in each view.
'It will create a table with
' fields View , Theme , Source (the path to the theme) and Typ.

theFName = ("ThemeList.dbf".AsFileName)
theFName = FileDialog.Put(theFName,"*.dbf","List of Themes")
if (nil=theFName) then
  return nil
srctable = vtab.makenew(theFname,dbase)
viewname = field.make("View",#FIELD_CHAR,40,0)
ThemeName = field.Make("Theme",#FIELD_CHAR,40,0)
SourceName = field.make("Source",#FIELD_CHAR,80,0)
TypName = field.make("Typ",#FIELD_CHAR,20,0)
DefName = field.make("Deftion",#FIELD_CHAR,80,0)
DateName = field.make("date",#FIELD_CHAR,10,0)
TimeName = field.make("time",#FIELD_CHAR,5,0)
fieldlist = {viewname,themename,sourcename,typname,defName,DateName,TimeName}
viewnamefield = srctable.findfield("View")
themenamefield = srctable.findfield("Theme")
sourcenamefield = srctable.findfield("Source")
typnamefield = srctable.findfield("Typ")
defnamefield = srctable.findfield("Deftion")
datenamefield = srctable.findfield("date")
timenamefield = srctable.findfield("time")
docs = av.getproject.getdocs
fname = "Undetermined"
fdate = "Unknown"
ftime = "00:00"
sname = "None"
defn = "None"
aprFile = av.GetProject.GetFileName
fname = aprFile.AsString
theDateStr = av.run("System.GetFileDates",{fname,"w"})
fdate = theDateStr.Left(10)
ftime = theDateStr.Middle(12,5)
rec = srctable.addrecord
for each d in docs
  cl = d.getclass.getclassname
  if (cl="view") then
    thethemes = d.getthemes
    themesource = {}
    for each t in thethemes
      sourcename = t.getsrcname
      fname = t.getsrcname.getdatasource
      sname = t.getsrcname.GetSubName
      if (fname="") then
        fname = "Undetermined"
        fdate = "Unknown"
        ftime = "00:00"
        sname = "None"
        defn = "None"
        'a = av.run("GetFDT",{fname,TRUE,"yyyy.MM.dd","HH:mm"}) 'could not find this script!
        'c = Creation-Date
        'a = Last Access
        'w = Last Writing-Access:

        theDateStr = av.run("System.GetFileDates",{fname,"w"})
        fdate = theDateStr.Left(10)
        ftime = theDateStr.Middle(12,5)
        if ((t.GetClass.GEtClassName="ITheme").not) then
          defn = t.GetFtab.GetDefinition
          defn = "None"
          sname = "Image"
      'allname = sourcename.asstring +" "+ fname + sname

      rec = srctable.addrecord
  elseif (cl="Table") then
    'v = " "
    'tema  = d.GetName.asstring
    'zdroj = d.GetVtab.GetBaseTableFileName
    'sname = "Table"
    'a = av.run("GetFDT",{fname,TRUE,"yyyy.MM.dd","HH:mm"})
    'fdate = a.Get(0)
    'ftime = a.Get(1)
    'rec = srctable.addrecord

if (MsgBox.YesNo("Add table to project?","ADD TABLE",true)) then
  newTable = Table.Make(srctable)