' Name: MauchaGraphicsShape
' Title: Maucha script to draw symbols showing major dissolved ions
' Description: Originally a Pascal program (1989), converted to C (1992) then AML (1993)
'              and now ArcView, to plot a Maucha ionic diagram.
' Author: Michael Silberbauer, November 1996 [still not completed in November 1999!]
'         ... got it going October 2000 ... more edits January 2001
'         Institute for Water Quality Studies, Department of Water and Sanitation
'         Private Bag X313 PRETORIA South Africa 0001
'         SilberbauerM@dwaf.gov.za
'         Please see end of script for detailed comments.

theView = av.GetActiveDoc
theDisplay = theView.GetDisplay
thePrj = theView.GetProjection

' Get the GraphicList for the View...

theGraphics = theView.GetGraphics

' Return the extent (the enclosing rectangle) of the View:

theMapExtent = theView.GetDisplay.ReturnVisExtent

' Extract the dimensions of the View from the extent:
'|                            |
'|                            |
'|                            |
'|                            |ywm
'|                            |
'|                            |
'|                            |
'x1m,y1m        xwm

theLowerLeft = theMapExtent.ReturnOrigin
x1m = theLowerLeft.Getx
y1m = theLowerLeft.Gety
xwm = theMapExtent.GetWidth
ywm = theMapExtent.GetHeight
x2m = x1m+xwm
y2m = y1m+ywm
theUpperRight = x2m@y2m
'MsgBox.Info( "x1m"++x1m.SetFormat( "d" ).AsString++" y1m"++y1m.SetFormat( "d" ).AsString++
'            " x2m"++x2m.SetFormat( "d" ).AsString++" y2m"++y2m.SetFormat( "d" ).AsString,
'"Display extents" )

y = 1
x = y*(xwm/ywm)
theDiagonal = ((x^2)+(y^2)).sqrt
'Scale = theDiagonal / 100

Scale = (x2m-x1m)/100

' Hard-coded test data
'Scale        = 0.008   'geographic
'Scale        = 7500    'projected

xSymbol = 0.5
ySymbol = 0.5
Potassium = 0.51
Sodium = 2.6
Calcium = 31.8
Magnesium = 29.9
Chloride = 5.9
Sulphate = 9.4
TotalAlk = 189.6
logH = 7.75
TotalDisSalt = 317
theProject = av.getProject
'theTable   = theProject.FindDoc("maucha_key.dbf")
'theTable   = theProject.FindDoc("maucha_brendan2.dbf")
'theTable   = theProject.FindDoc("olifants_data.txt")
'theTable   = theProject.FindDoc("diep_geo.dbf")

theTable = theProject.FindDoc("list2001-10-12-national-mauchax.txt")
'theTable   = theProject.FindDoc( "maucha_key.txt" )

theTable = _InorganicData
theVTab = theTable.getVTab
numrecs = theVTab.GetNumRecords
av.ShowMsg("Starting process...")
for each record in theVTab
'for each record in 1 .. 10

  theField = theVTab.FindField("WMA")
  wma = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
  if (wma=_WMAname or _redraw_sym) then
    theGraphicGroup = GraphicGroup.Make
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Latitude")
    lat = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Longitude")
    lon = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Latitude")
    latitude = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Longitude")
    longitude = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Station")
    feat_name = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medtalkali")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medtalkalinity")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("MedTAL")
    TotalAlk = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medsodium")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("MedNa")
    Sodium = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medmagnesi")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medmagnesium")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("MedMg")
    Magnesium = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medsulphat")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medsulphate")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("MedSO4")
    Sulphate = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medchlorid")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medchloride")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("MedCl")
    Chloride = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medpotassi")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medpotassium")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("MedK")
    Potassium = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("Medcalcium")
    theField = theVtab.FindField("MedCa")
    Calcium = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    theField = theVtab.FindField("MedTDS")
    TotalDisSalt = theVtab.ReturnValue(theField,record)
    'xSymbol = longitude
    'ySymbol = latitude

    geopoint = Point.Make(lon,lat)
    prjpoint = geopoint.ReturnProjected(thePrj)
    xSymbol = prjpoint.GetX
    ySymbol = prjpoint.GetY
    ' Convert milligrams per litre to equivalents per litre (equivalents =
    ' molarity times charge on ion) altering the sequence to allow for the
    ' way in which AML works out its degrees...

    Ion2 = Potassium*1.0/39.10
    Ion1 = Sodium*1.0/22.99
    Ion8 = Calcium*2.0/40.08
    Ion7 = Magnesium*2.0/24.31
    Ion6 = Sulphate*2.0/96.07
    Ion5 = Chloride*1.0/35.45
    A = TotalAlk*2.0/100.00  
    pH = logH    
    TDS = TotalDisSalt
    Ion4 = A
    Ion3 = 0
    theIonList = {Ion1,Ion2,Ion3,Ion4,Ion5,Ion6,Ion7,Ion8}
    ' Allocate colours to the various ions:

    theIonColourList = List.Make
    theIonNameList = List.Make
    '&if [translate %Key%] = KEY &then
    '   &sv Posn1 = 'CL'
    '   &sv Posn2 = 'LL'
    '   &sv Posn3 = 'LR'
    '   &sv Posn4 = 'CR'
    '   &sv Posn5 = 'CR'
    '   &sv Posn6 = 'UR'
    '   &sv Posn7 = 'UL'
    '   &sv Posn8 = 'CL'
    '   &sv Posn9 = 'LR'
    ' If pH <=1 the calling routine is signalling to skip CO2 calculations:
    ' (in this version the CO2 step is ignored)
    '&if %pH% <= 1 &then

    Ion4 = A
    Ion3 = 0

    AnionSum = Ion3+Ion4+Ion5+Ion6
    CationSum = Ion1+Ion2+Ion7+Ion8
    EquivSum = CationSum+AnionSum
    message = "Sum cations ="++CationSum.SetFormat("d.dd").asString++"meq"
    message = message++"Sum anions ="++AnionSum.SetFormat("d.dd").asString++"meq"
    'MsgBox.Info ( message, "Ions" )
    ' Calculate the dimensions of the Maucha diagram:

    pi = Number.GetPi
    angrad = pi/180
    XCentre = 0.0
    YCentre = 0.0
    TotalArea = (EquivSum+1).ln
    TotalRadius = ((0.125*TotalArea)/(angrad*22.5).sin).sqrt
    AnnoRadius = 1.5*TotalRadius
    xcirc = (XCentre*Scale)+xSymbol
    ycirc = (YCentre*Scale)+ySymbol
    RadiusCirc = TotalRadius*Scale
    aCircle = Circle.Make(xcirc@ycirc,RadiusCirc)
    gCircle = GraphicShape.Make(aCircle)
    aSymbol = RasterFill.Make
    theVtxOffList = {1}
    for each Angle in 0..7
      RayNumber = Angle+1
      Equivalents = theIonList.Get(Angle)
      IonArea = Equivalents/EquivSum*TotalArea
      IonRadius = IonArea/(TotalRadius*((angrad*22.5).sin))
      StartAngle = Angle*45.0
      IonAngle = StartAngle+22.5
      EndAngle = RayNumber*45.0
      x1 = XCentre
      y1 = YCentre
      x2 = TotalRadius*(angrad*StartAngle).cos
      y2 = TotalRadius*(angrad*StartAngle).sin
      x3 = IonRadius*(angrad*IonAngle).cos
      y3 = IonRadius*(angrad*IonAngle).sin
      x4 = TotalRadius*(angrad*EndAngle).cos
      y4 = TotalRadius*(angrad*EndAngle).sin
      x5 = XCentre
      y5 = YCentre
      theVtxList = {x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,x5,y5}

      theVtxOffList = List.Make
      for each vtx in 0..4
        xv = (theVtxList.Get(2*vtx)*Scale)+xSymbol
        yv = (theVtxList.Get((2*vtx)+1)*Scale)+ySymbol
      mPol = polygon.Make({theVtxOffList})
      gmPol = GraphicShape.Make(mPol)
      aSym = RasterFill.Make

      nowDate = Date.Now
      nowTime = Date.Now
      dtStamp = nowDate.asString++" "++nowTime.AsString
      av.ShowMsg(dtStamp++"("++record.AsString++")" ++feat_name.asString++message++lat.SetFormat("d.ddddd").asString++lon.SetFormat("d.ddddd").asString)
      '&if [translate %Key%] = KEY &then
      '   TEXTJUSTIFICATION [unquote [value Posn%RayNumber%]]
      '   TEXTSCALE 2
      '   MOVE  %.x6% %.y6%
      '   TEXT [value IoName%RayNumber%]
      '   TEXTSCALE 1


' Comments from the original AML:
' Michael Silberbauer - August to October 1993
' mauchsym.aml takes a set of chemical concentrations in mg/L
' (K+, Na+, Ca++, Mg++, SO4=, Cl-, HCO3-, CO3=) and produces the
' coordinates required to plot them in the format used by
' Maucha (1932) Hydrochemische Metoden in der Limnologie.
' Binnengewasser 12, 173p,
' and modified by
' Broch E S & Yake W (1969)  A modification of Maucha's
' ionic diagram to include ionic concentrations.
' Limnology and Oceanography 14, 933-935.  
' Please refer to
' "Silberbauer M J & King J M (1991) Geographical trends in the
' water chemistry of wetlands in the south-western Cape Province, South
' Africa.  Southern African Journal of Aquatic Sciences 17 (1/2) 82 - 88."
' if you wish to cite this programme or use it for any publication.
' Other useful documents are:
' Day J A & King J M (1995) Geographical patterns, and their origins, in the
' dominance of major ions in South African rivers.
' South African Journal of Science 91, 299-306.
' Day J A (1993) The major ion chemistry of some southern African saline systems.
' Hydrobiologia 267, 37-59.
' The Maucha diagram is the specific case of a radial plot in which the major
' cations are plotted on the right-hand side of an eight-point star and the
' major anions are plotted on the left-hand side.
' The aqueous CO2 should be split between H2CO3, HCO3- and CO3= using the approach of
' Mackereth FJH, Heron J & Talling JF (1978)  Water Analysis: Some Revised
' Methods for Limnologists.  Freshwater Biological Association Scientific
' Publication No 36. pp39-42. (but this option not implemented)
' Broch and Yake's modification was to use the TDS value to scale the whole
' diagram up or down, so that an idea of the relative concentration of various
' samples can be obtained.  A logarithmic scale is necessary when widely
' differing concentrations are plotted on the same map.