ArcView Scripts for DWAF national chemical water quality monitoring project

Web versions created with ave2HTML.
haloback.aveSend all halo objects to back
halodelete.aveDelete all halo objects
halotexter.aveText halo creator (O'Connor C)
isodate_obj.aveLayout text object definition - ISO date
isodate_upd.aveLayout ISO date text object updater
juanitapie.aveDraw sector-pie symbols
juanitapieback.aveSector-pie graphic objects to back
juanitapiegraphicsshape.aveDraw sector-pie graphical symbols from water quality data
juanitapiesdelete.aveDelete all sector-pie objects
juanitapieselect.aveSelect all sector-pie objects
labeling_createtextmasks.ave Create text masks for a theme's labels (ESRI)
labeling_removetextmasks.ave Remove text masks from a theme's labels
layout_copy.aveCopy layout (Calef FJ)
layout_print.aveDate-stamp and print layout
list_themes.aveList all themes in APR file (Slopek P)
maucha.aveMaucha test script to draw symbols showing major dissolved ions
mauchaback.aveMaucha graphic objects to back
mauchadelete.aveDelete all Maucha graphic objects
mauchagraphicsshape.aveMaucha script to draw symbols showing major dissolved ions
mauchaselect.aveSelect all Maucha graphic objects
pielegend.aveCreate legend for pie symbols
pieplot.aveDraw sector pie symbols on map
pieplotauto.aveDraw sector pie symbols of water quality data for each water management area
plot.avePlot water quality data time series (called by Plot_Menu)
plot_area.avePlot area time series graph
plot_bar.avePlot bar time series graph
plot_menu.avePlot water quality data (main menu)
plot_menu_many.avePlot water quality data time series graphs for several constituents at once (menu)
plot_single.avePlot a water quality data time series graph (menu)
plot_stick.avePlot stick time-series graphs (thin bars)
plot_stick_type2.avePlot stick time-series graphs (thin bars) for 5-range pH
plot_stick_type3.avePlot stick time-series graphs (thin bars) for 3-range pH
printgraphs.avePrint a set of same-size views on a single layout automatically
sed_loadallscripts.aveLoad and name scripts (Montgomery T)
sed_saveall.aveBack up scripts in a project to text files (Sternberg H)
sed_setname.aveScript namer (Montgomery T)
setconstants.aveSet compliance ranges and colour codes for project
setcoorddms.aveSpecify coordinate display format in View e.g. DDMMSS
string_compare.aveString comparer character by character
system_getfiledates.aveFind file date and time (Kleinschmidt T)
textdelete.aveDelete visible text objects in View
viewsclearsymbols.aveDelete all the symbols in Views containing a certain key
viewskill.aveDelete all the views containing a certain key
view_copy.aveCopy View (Calef FJ)
view_setmapextent_olifants.aveSet fixed map extent for repeatable plots (Olifants drainage)
view_setmapextent_sa.aveSet fixed map extent for repeatable plots (Whole SA)
view_showcoordinatesdd.aveShow coordinates of last mouse click in decimal degrees and in x y
wmastep.aveSteps through each WMA and draws a map
x_axis.aveDraw x-axis (time)
y_axis.aveDraw y-axis (select "nice" maximum)

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