Terminology for various levels of RDM determination

We have settled finally on the terminology for the different levels of RDM determination, so please begin getting your minds around these, it takes a bit of practice!

If anyone really hates the terms they are welcome to complain but these terms won't be changing in the near future, especially as we go into the runup to official DWAF policy documents in October 1999.

Level 1 Desktop estimate this is the old planning estimate, will be used only for the National Water Balance Model, takes about 2 hours
Level 2 Rapid determination This is the new extended planning estimate, takes about 2 days
Level 3 Intermediate determination This is the old PERM, takes about 2 months
Level 4 Comprehensive determination still called comprehensive, takes 12 months plus

We are now working on much tighter rules about how and when these different levels of tools are used for planning and for licensing various kinds of water uses.

NB: Not all the tech teams (rivers, gw, estuaries,wetlands) may have all four of these levels of tools in their toolbox, a lot will depend on the licensing requirements.