How To Capture Water Quality Results Electronically on WMS - Contents Page

How to Capture Water Quality Results Electronically on WMS ? Chapter 4


Role: Information Supervisor

Chapter 4: Linking imported data to equivalent WMS data.

This chapter will show you how to link imported data to WMS equivalent data in your monitoring programme, and register the data in WMS as samples, taking the process through to releasing the results.

Linking your data and registering samples

At this stage you already imported your data captured in .CSV files. You must now process the data by linking the data to the consolidated analysis or to WMS variables, analysis methods, monitoring points and actions, and the laboratory and monitor.

Start the electronic data import function

  1. On the Main Menu, select Sample and Result Register menu.
  2. Select Electronic Data Import menu
  3. Select Electronic Import Administration option

Find the electronic data you imported

  1. Select your Transfer Type = External
  2. Press Next

Select the specific import format for your data source

A record was registered for your specific data source (analyst or water user that supplied the data), i.e. SABS Cape Town will have a format for water quality variables just as Caltex have one.

Linking data

When linking your data you will find that the first time you have to work hard by going through every step. The ssecond time you link the same data will take less work because the information you provided previously was stored as references on WMS and will be automatically retrieved. Eventually the data combination will be stored as a default until changes occur in your data that require linking again. This tool guides the user through every step. When all the data are linked, the register sample button comes on. TIP: When in doubt press Next.

Maintenance buttons for data already linked are also provided so that parameters can be checked and changed.


The following steps are needed:

Link the monitoring variables and measuring units

  1. Select the batch id of your last import run on the Import Batch Selection Wizard form. Press Next.

Note: When all the samples have been registered, the batch id will no longer display.

  1. Select or enter the correct monitoring variable and measuring unit id to correspond with the inport data variable description and measuring unit on the Import Monitoring Variables MAP form. Press next.

Note: If all the variables were not linked pressing the next button will take you back to the Import Monitoring Variables MAP form.

  1. Select or enter the correct monitoring point on the Import Monitoring Point Maintenance form. Press next.

Note: If all the points were not linked pressing the next button will take you back to the Import Monitoring Variables MAP form.

Consolidate sample per point and depth

  1. When all your variables and points are linked, the import tool will consolidate your data into samples according to monitoring points and depth. On the Consolidated Sample per Depth Wizard form you can view your data with the Import Data V button or register your samples and results by pressing the Register button. To continue linking your data press Next.

Note: The Register button will be disabled if all the needed information has not been link.

  1. The Consolidated Sample per WMS Sample Info Wizard form will open. On this form maintain your monitoring program info when the Schedule Non Schedule Type equals Scheduled by pressing the Mon Prog Info button, or maintain all other required information when the Non Schedule Type equals Electronic, by pressing any of the other buttons.

Note: The tool will guide you through the linking process by pressing the Next button. The Next button will take you to the data that has not been linked. When all data has been linked, the Next button will take you back to the previous screen.

  1. The Import Result IDs Update Maintenance Wizard will display the data that has not been linked.

Programme related data mapping

7.    When Schedule Non Schedule Type equals Scheduled the Update Programme Related Info button will be enabled. Select the equivalent Consolidated Monitoring Programme Analysis record.

Note: When no record is found matching your filter criteria and you exit, the imported result record Schedule Non Schedule Type will be marked as Electronic. When this happens, follow the Non Programme related data mapping route.

Non Programme related data mapping

  1. When the Schedule Non Schedule Type equals Electronic, link data by entering or selecting the required IDs of the field marked in red. When all the IDs for every variable are linked, press Next and Next again. The following field to be entered will be highlighted in red.
  2. When all the required data have been linked to their WMS counterparts, pressing the next button will take you back to the Consolidated Sample per Depth Wizard form. You will note that the Register button is enabled. You can now register your samples.

Note: All the data that have been linked can be accessed via the maintain buttons on the Import Batch Selection Wizard and Consolidated Sample per WMS Sample Info Wizard forms. Please step through your information and check that all data are linked correctly. Only then proceed to register your samples.

Register Samples

  1. Pressing the Register button will take you to the Import Physical WMS Sample View form. The Import Data V will display the WMS sample information that will be registered per item shown in the MonActSpec ID field. You can register one sample at a time by pressing the Register Sample Button or register all the samples displayed by pressing the Register All button. When all samples are registered successfully this form will close and return to the Batch Selection Wizard form where you can select the next run to be processed.


You have now successfully imported your data.? The Electronic Import tool will register your samples and results. If your data have passed all Quality Assurance Tests then they would have been released automatically. The next step will be to check and administrate all sample and results registration problems. How to administrate sample problems will be handled in Chapter 5: Handling sample problems



