Environmental Scoping Phase
Pre-Application Consultation
A Pre-Application Consultation Meeting was convened with DFFE on 7 November 2023. The purpose of the meeting included the following:
To introduce the project to DFFE,
Confirm the Competent Authority with regards to the environmental authorisation,
Describe listed activities and proposed specialists after applying the DFFE screening tool
Describe the Public Participation Plan, and
Discuss any other matters
A meeting with DWS Regional: Free State was convened on 16 October 2023 to determine the process of the WULA given that the implementing agent will only be finalised towards the end of the study.
Landowner Notification
According to regulation 15(1) of GN No. 543 (2010), if the applicant is not the owner or person in control of the land on which the activity is to be undertaken,
written notice of the proposed activity must be given to the owner or person in control of the land on which the activity is to be undertaken, and inform such person that he may participate in the Public Participation process.
To satisfy the aforementioned requirement, Zutari will provide letters to all landowners regarding the project.
Zutari will make use of existing channels of communication within the Xhariep District Municipality, Kopanong Municipality and MMM as well as DWS Regional: Free when engaging with the affected parties.
Screening phase
DWS appointed Zutari to do a pre-feasibility study. Specialists undertook desktop assessments and site visits to ground truth the DFFE sensitivity report and map the site features and areas and compile their Impact Assessments and Compliance statements which are all appended to this BAR.
- 1. Specialists identified and mapped all sensitive features and areas of the site and provided suitable buffers for these areas/features and all the sensitive areas (including buffers) were categorised into one of the following sensitivity categories, Very High, High, Medium, Low or not sensitive (or uncategorised). With notes regarding these sensitivities.
- 2. The Applicant used the screening information from the specialists to identify suitable areas for the Geo-Tech investigations.
- 3. Site visits - Zutari Engineers visited the proposed sites and inspected existing infrastructure on 22 February 2023 and separately visited the existing Gariep WTP on 30 January 2024.
Basic Assessment Phase
The objectives of the basic assessment process are to, through a consultative process -
- a) determine the policy and legislative context within which the proposed activity is located and how the activity complies with and responds to the policy and legislative context;
- b) identify the possible feasible and reasonable alternatives, including the activity, location, and technology alternatives;
- c) describe the need and desirability of the proposed project and alternatives;
- d) through the undertaking of an impact and risk assessment process, inclusive of cumulative impacts which focused on determining the geographical, physical, biological, social, economic, heritage, and cultural sensitivity of the sites and locations within sites and the risk of the impact of the proposed activity and technology alternatives on these aspects to determine –
- i) the nature, significance, consequence, extent, duration, and probability of the impacts occurring to; and;
- ii) the degree to which these impacts -
- (aa) can be reversed;
- (bb) may cause irreplaceable loss of resources; and
- (cc) can be avoided, managed or mitigated;
- e) through a ranking of the site sensitivities and possible impacts the activity and technology alternatives will impose on the sites and location identified through the life of the activity to identify and motivate a preferred site, activity and technology alternative;
- i) identify suitable measures to avoid, manage or mitigate identified impacts; and
- ii) identify residual risks that need to be managed and monitored.
Various methods and sources were utilised to identify the potential social and environmental aspects associated with the proposed project and to develop the ToRs for the specialist studies. The sources of information for the preparation of this report include, inter alia, the following:
Collection of information specific to the project, as provided by the Applicant;
Project description;
Basic methodology for the construction of the various project components;
Basic methodology during operations and decommissioning;
The expected timeframe for project development;
Maps and figures, outlining the proposed facilities;
Technical descriptions relating to the function and layout of project components;
Other relevant BARs/ EIRs prepared for BAs/EIAs undertaken in the area;
Environmental baseline literature and desktop spatial surveys for this site and surrounding areas;
Environmental baseline surveys for this site and surrounding areas from site visits by specialists;
Consultation with the project team (including specialists); and
Consultation with I&APs, including authorities.
An application form for the project was submitted to DFFE (to register the project on the Department’s database). The draft BAR will be made available for 30 days (hard copies and online) and I&APs will be notified of the availability.
All comments received will be recorded and responded to in a Comments and Response Report and the draft BAR will be updated to address I&AP comments, where appropriate. The final BAR will be submitted to DFFE for decision-making, with the final BAR being submitted no later than 90 days from the receipt of the application form.
The competent authority must then decide within 57 days of receipt of the final BAR and EMPr,and in writing –
(a) Grant environmental authorisation in respect of all or part of the activity applied for; or
(b) Refuse environmental authorisation.
Summary of the key dates of the formal BAR process:
The BA Application form was submitted to DFFE on 7 May 2024.
DFFE confirmed receipt and accepted the application form on xx May 2024.
Lodging hard copies of the Draft BAR at the at the x public library and making a digital copy available online via Google Drive – x 2024
Notification of potential I&APs, affected landowners, neighbouring landowners and state departments of availability of the Draft BAR for review and comment – x 2024
Last day to submit comment on Draft BAR – x 2024
Submit Final BAR to DFFE – x 2024
DFFE provide decision on application – 57-days from date of submission of Final BAR to issue decision.
Notification of registered I&APs of DFFE decision and appeal process – upon receipt of DFFE decision.