This Appendix details the processes and assumptions used to calculate the lifetime average annual radiation dose resulting from the drinking water pathway.
The lifetime average annual dose associated with a sampling site was calculated from the expression:
where: D is the lifetime average annual dose (mSv/a)
Ai is the annual average activity concentration of radionuclide i (Bq/l )
Fi is a proportionality constant for radionuclide i with units of (mSv/a) per (Bq/l ).
The determination of the parameters Ai and Fi is described in Sections A8.1 and A8.2 below.
International Basic Safety Standards for Protection Against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources, Safety Series No. 115, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (1996).
Licencing Guide LG-1032, Guideline on the Assessment of Radiation Hazards to Members of the Public from Mining and Mineral Processing Facilities, Rev 0, Council for Nuclear Safety, Centurion (1997/04/18).
Detection Limit Concepts: Foundations, Myths, and Utilization, D. A. Chambless et al, Health Physics, volume 63, Number 3, September 1992.