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And expression is a mathematical, logical or relational formula that can be evaluated at run time. More formally :-

And expressions is a either a term, or term + term or term - term or a logical expression or a relational expression.

A term

A term is either :-

Numbers are standard C double precision numbers :-

1e300 // Very big number
-1.23e-300 // A Number very near zero

Logical expressions

Logical expressions are either :-

Relational expressions

A relational expression is either an adjacency expression or one of :-

Adjacency expressions

An adjacency expression allows one to query the state of variables in neighbouring cells.

An adjacency expression is one of the following :-

A cellBasedId is a cell based specie name, or a local variable of a cell based specie or a cell based data stream. See See section References for details.

For example, if the beastie stick_bait started to grow in this cell if any adjacent cell had stick bait growing, then one might express this as :-

if any adjacent stick_bait > 2 then
  stick_bait += 0.5;

Range expressions

Range expressions allow one to query data streams. It is not meaningful to sample a data stream at one point, rather we need to know the state of the variable over a period of time. The langauge makes available two special constructs to query data streams. For example :- If we wish to know whether the concentration was in the range 25 to 40 for most of the time in the last time step we can simple say :- concentration in [25, 40]. By most of the time we by default mean 90% of the time, or whatever the current value of the variable "most_times" is. ("most_times" is a predefined system variable that is by default set to 0.9)

Two argument range expression

The syntax for this is:-

qualIdent in [lower, upper];

If the data stream qualIdent is greater than lower and less than upper for most_times * step_size seconds in the last time step, then the expression evaluates as true otherwise as false. (See section The Boolean convention)

Four argument range expression

The syntax for this is:-

qualIdent in [lower, upper, most_times, period];

If the data stream qualIdent is greater than lower and less than upper for most_times * period * step_size seconds in the preceding period steps, then the expression evaluates as true otherwise as false. (See section The Boolean convention)

The formal BNF grammar.

rules : cells links io_statements setup_statements species THE_END ;

setup_statements : /* Nothing */ | statements;

cells : CELLS cellList ';' ;

cellList : IDENTIFIER  |
           cellList ',' IDENTIFIER ;

links : link | links link;


io_statements : input output | output input;

input : INPUT FROM STRING ';' ;

output : OUTPUT TO STRING ';' ;

species : specie |
          species specie;

specie : specie_header specie_body  end_specie ;

end_specie : END SPECIE            ';'                                         |
             END SPECIE IDENTIFIER ';' ;

specie_header : /* Default is cell based. */ SPECIE IDENTIFIER ';'                            |
  CELL BASED SPECIE IDENTIFIER ';'                           |
  ECOSYSTEM WIDE SPECIE IDENTIFIER ';'                           ;

specie_body : declarations start_statements running_rules;

declarations : /* Nothing */  |
               DECLARE decl_list ';' ;

decl_list : IDENTIFIER      |
            decl_list ',' IDENTIFIER ;

start_statements : statements RUNNING RULES ';'                    |
/* Nothing */ RUNNING RULES ';' ;

running_rules : statements ;

statements : statement | statements statement;

statement : /* Empty statement */ ';' |
            assignment_statement      |
            if_then_endif             |
            trace_statement           |
            print_statement           |
            if_then_else_endif ;

trace_statement : TRACE expression ';' 

print_statement : one_arg_print | two_arg_print | show_statement;

one_arg_print : PRINT expression ';' 

two_arg_print : PRINT STRING expression ';' 

show_statement : SHOW qualIdent ';' 

if_then_endif : if_then statements ENDIF ';' ;

if_then : IF expression THEN ;

if_then_else_endif : if_then statements else statements ENDIF ';';

else : ELSE;

unqualifiedIdent : IDENTIFIER;

qualifiedIdent : IDENTIFIER '.' IDENTIFIER;


unqualifiedAt : IDENTIFIER '@' IDENTIFIER;

notAtted : unqualifiedIdent | qualifiedIdent ;

atted : unqualifiedAt | qualifiedAt ;

qualIdent : atted | notAtted;

assignment_statement : assignment | increment | decrement;

assignment : qualIdent BECOMES expression ';';

increment : qualIdent INCREMENT expression ';';

decrement : qualIdent DECREMENT expression ';';

expression :    term                                                  | 
                expression '+' term            | 
                expression '-' term            |
                logical_expression                                    |
                relational_expression                                ;

term    :       REAL              | 
                range                                                 |
                qualIdent                     | 
                term '*' term                |
                term '/' term                |
                term DIV term                |
                term MOD term                |
                '-' term %prec UMINUS         |
                '(' expression ')' ;

range : mono_stream_range | ecowide_range ;

mono_stream_range : two_arg_plain | four_arg_plain;

two_arg_plain : qualIdent IN two_arg_range;

four_arg_plain : qualIdent IN four_arg_range;

ecowide_range :
        two_arg_any   |
        four_arg_any  |
        two_arg_all   |
        four_arg_all ;

two_arg_any  : qualIdent IN ANY CELL  two_arg_range;

two_arg_all  : qualIdent IN ALL CELLS two_arg_range;

four_arg_any : qualIdent IN ANY CELL  four_arg_range;

four_arg_all : qualIdent IN ALL CELLS four_arg_range;

two_arg_range : '[' expression ',' expression ']' ;

four_arg_range : '[' expression ',' expression ',' expression ',' expression ']';

logical_expression : expression AND expression     |
                     expression OR  expression     |
                     NOT term                      |
                     expression XOR expression   ;

relational_expression : adjacency_expression | rel_exp;

rel_exp :               expression '>' expression  |
                        expression '<' expression  |
                        expression '=' expression  |
                        expression NE expression   |
                        expression LE expression   |
                        expression GE expression  ;

cellBasedId : notAtted;

adjacency_expression :
  ALL ADJACENT cellBasedId '>' expression   |
  ALL ADJACENT cellBasedId '<' expression   |
  ALL ADJACENT cellBasedId '=' expression   |
  ALL ADJACENT cellBasedId NE  expression   |
  ALL ADJACENT cellBasedId GE  expression   |
  ALL ADJACENT cellBasedId LE  expression   |
  ANY ADJACENT cellBasedId '>' expression   |
  ANY ADJACENT cellBasedId '<' expression   |
  ANY ADJACENT cellBasedId '=' expression   |
  ANY ADJACENT cellBasedId NE  expression   |
  ANY ADJACENT cellBasedId GE  expression   |
  ANY ADJACENT cellBasedId LE  expression  ;

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