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Very simplistic model demonstrating the effect of mouth closure.

Consider a lake of volume tex2html_wrap_inline3197 connected to the sea, (figure 12). Let the evaporation minus the freshwater inflow be a constant E. If the mouth is large enough the volume remains constant tex2html_wrap_inline3201 and the load is tex2html_wrap_inline3203 where tex2html_wrap_inline3205 is the salt concentration of sea water.

Figure 12: Single lake cell connected via a level dependent estuary to the sea.

Thus the concentration of the lake is

Now consider the effect of the closing the lake mouth. Then the load remains the same (tex2html_wrap_inline3207) and the volume decreases. tex2html_wrap_inline3209


Clearly there is a singularity at time tex2html_wrap_inline3211.

Now consider the derivatives.


Which is a constant.


Which starts at..

And increases without limit until the singularity of an empty lake.

Figure 13: Effect of mouth closure at low salinity.

Figure 14: Effect of mouth closure at high salinity.

John Carter
Tue Jun 17 09:50:07 SAT 1997