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Matrix formulation.

Let there be N square sided cells of arbitrary area. Let each cell have an arbitrary time dependent inflow/outflow and a linear level dependent estuary mouth. Then the equations are

Where tex2html_wrap_inline3047 is the set of all neighbouring cells of cell i. The Kronecker delta tex2html_wrap_inline3265 is 1 is if i=1 otherwise 0.

Define matrix tex2html_wrap_inline3267 as...

Define vector V and I as...

Now the differential equations can be written in matrix form...

Where A is an N by N matrix, and V is a N vector of volumes and I is an N vector of inflow/outflow functions.

The matrix A can be factored into three matrices...

Assuming there exists N distinct real eigenvalues of A, then tex2html_wrap_inline3279 is the diagonal N by N matrix of eigenvalues of A, and E is the matrix with the eigenvectors of A as its columns. Thus..

Now multiply through by tex2html_wrap_inline3287...

Define W to be tex2html_wrap_inline3297, and G(t) to be tex2html_wrap_inline3299. Then..

As tex2html_wrap_inline3279 is diagonal, the equations are separated thus...
Where tex2html_wrap_inline3305 is the i'th eigenvalue of tex2html_wrap_inline3267.

The Green's function solution to the equations is..
Where tex2html_wrap_inline3309 is an arbitrary constant of integration.

As tex2html_wrap_inline3311 and tex2html_wrap_inline3313, we have tex2html_wrap_inline3315

General Green's function solution to the N-Cell problem.


The first summation corresponds to transients that die away. This is how the system varies continuously from the arbitrary initial condition to the long term response to the input given in the second summation.

John Carter
Tue Jun 17 09:50:07 SAT 1997