Next: Calibration and Verification of Up: From Taylor's theorem to Previous: A second order predictor.

Second order correction step.

This is a little subtle and apt to confuse. The basic idea is that the derivative of the state vector depends on both time and the value of the state vector at that time.

This places us in a recursive quandary; we need the value of the state vector at time tex2html_wrap_inline3515 to calculate the value of the state vector at time tex2html_wrap_inline3515.

What we do is assume that the derivative doesn't change radically in one time step and use the values at the previous time steps to make a guess of the value at time tex2html_wrap_inline3515. Then we can resolve our recursive problem by use this predicted value to gain a better estimate of the state at time tex2html_wrap_inline3515.

So using Taylor's theorem again. This time with tex2html_wrap_inline3523 and the predicted value of the state to calculate the derivatives.
Where for some tex2html_wrap_inline3525 in tex2html_wrap_inline3497...

Now we still lack an estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline3529 so we manufacture one using the value of tex2html_wrap_inline3531 and tex2html_wrap_inline3489.
Where for some tex2html_wrap_inline3525 in tex2html_wrap_inline3497

Solving for tex2html_wrap_inline3529 we have...

Solving for tex2html_wrap_inline3485 and inserting the above estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline3529 we get the corrector...


Which is likely to be noticeably smaller than the error for the predictor.

However I suspect that the errors made by the corrector relative to the predictor are even smaller than it would seem on the surface. Why? The corrector takes into account any discontinuous changes in the inputs that may have occurred in the last time step. Indeed these discontinuous changes in the input add weight to the standard arguments for a second ``purifying'' evaluation of the derivatives. Thus the method used in the model is a PECE method. Ie. Predict Evaluate Correct Evaluate.

Next: Calibration and Verification of Up: From Taylor's theorem to Previous: A second order predictor.

John Carter
Tue Jun 17 09:50:07 SAT 1997