How To Capture Water Quality Results Electronically on WMS - Contents Page

How to Capture Water Quality Results Electronically on WMS ? Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Capture data on a spreadsheet

Next: Chapter 2: Preparing data for import


Role: Information Supervisors

This chapter will help you to capture water quality data into a spreadsheet in a format that can be imported into WMS with the Electronic Data Capture functions.


Different Electronic formats

WMS can import many electronic data formats if programmed to do so and the data is in a format that can be read by a computer. MSWord documents may represent data electronically but is not in a format that can be converted for computer data imports. Likewise, many spreadsheet formats are designed for human use rather than computer usage. Electronic documents falling into this category is typically where the repetitive or identification information is presented in the form of a heading. The heading usually contains the monitoring point or sampling dates. If you are in doubt whether your electronic data is in a format that can be programmed for electronic import into WMS log a call to the development team and ask.

If your data comes in a format that can be imported electronically log a call to get a computer program written for the specific format.


If your data come in on a paper copy or format incompatible with computer reading, then write a letter to the organisation providing the data and ask them to provide your data in an electronic format. The specific format the WMS development team recommend is called a ?fixed? format for which a computer program already exists. Propose this format to your data providers and send them electronic copies on how the data should be entered. Example document.


The request for data in electronic format should be in a formal letter, signed by your manager, to emphasise its importance.


You can also capture data from paper copies in the ?fixed? format template and import the data into WMS.


Capturing data from paper copies into an electronic format

Capturing your data on an electronic template rather than using the WMS manual (Register Results) capture method, is error-prone, and once the data is in WMS, the only way to correct any mistakes is to request the database administrators to delete all the imported data of one session and import it again. This is a difficult procedure and very costly. Quality assurance and correctness is thus very important. Anybody can type the data into a spreadsheet but only an experienced and highly responsible person should do quality assurance and importation of the data.


The ?fixed? format electronic import template is recommended since it corresponds well with the information on your paper copies and it requires minimum information.


Getting started

It is important to organise your working environment in such a way that you can keep a trace of the data already captured electronically and the data already imported into WMS. Many data capturers may work with the data over time, so it is best to store the captured data on a LAN folder. Make sure that write access to these folders is limited to information supervisors only.


Organise the data in such a way that it reflects the way your office organisation works and duplicate your filing system by creating folders on computer in the same way.


Follow this process:

Download example folder.


Data provider folder

In the ?data provider folder? create a spreadsheet and enter every electronic data file captured. Save this spreadsheet with the same name as the ?data provider folder?

The following fields are needed:

Additional fields may be added such as the data provider name, dates captured, etc if a record of productivity is important. The number of fields and content is dependent on each office?s requirements.


In the ?Data provider folder? you can create a spreadsheet with all the monitoring points as named by the data provider and the WMS Monitoring Point Id?s.


You can also create a spreadsheet with the monitoring variables with measuring units as named by the data provider and the equivalent WMS Variable Id and Unit id.


The relevant monitoring program IDs and specific consolidated samples and analysis information may come in handy at a later stage.


Creating these files will help tremendously during the import process.


Keep the ?fixed format? template in this folder.


Monitoring point folder

All the data files will be stored in the respective ?monitoring point folder?, unless you further subdivide this folder into ?date folders?.


Making specific templates

For every monitoring point or points, create a ?fixed format? spreadsheet template containing all the heading and static information, such as the monitoring point name, variables, units and laboratory. Use this template when capturing data.

Data template example.

Capturing data

When capturing data, copy and paste, the information from the template into a new file and fill in the date, time, qualifier, numerical value and other changing information. Save the document in such a way that it reflects the monitoring point and date uniquely so that it is easily identifiable and not over written by another document saving process. Make sure that all the date fields are formatted as dates and specifically in the standard date format ?yyyy-mm-dd?. Time fields should be in the format ?HH:MM:ss?.


Specific templates enable data capturers to enter data quickly and accurately.

Quality Assurance

A data capturer must quality assure the captured data before signing it over to another data capturer to double check.


We all make mistakes and often do not see them when checking our own work because the same physical process is involved in checking as in capturing data. Ensure that a second person re-checks the captured data.


Data captured by other organisations such as consultants, RQS or Resource Planning, should be re-checked by your office.


When this process is completed satisfactorily, the datasheet signed off and a record entered into the data provider file, the next process can be started i.e. Chapter 2: Preparing data for import