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Matching the Angles across the projection.

The cos of u, the angle between these two displacements can be calculated from the scalar product...

Now by the conform property we can equate the tex2html_wrap_inline1263 calculated on the map and on the surface of the earth. Thus :-

Thus putting all the details in we get...

Now as the delta's are small but arbitrary we can set ...

Then equation (37) becomes...

Which implies that g=0. Using the definition of g in equation (32) we get the partial differential equation...

This simplifies equation (37) to ...


As the delta's are small but arbitrary we can set tex2html_wrap_inline1265 then the above becomes...


Squaring both sides and simplifying gives you...

Which as the terms in tex2html_wrap_inline1267 cancel...

Now one can use the result of g=0 to relate tex2html_wrap_inline1271 and tex2html_wrap_inline1273...

Thus solving this for tex2html_wrap_inline1273 ...
And using it to remove tex2html_wrap_inline1273 from equation 43...

We can cancel tex2html_wrap_inline1271 on either side and simplify...

Now take square roots of both sides....
Plugging this into the equation (39) resulting from g=0 gives us...

We wish to define a map projection whose axis orientation matches standard mathematical practice, and more particularly, matches the ARC/INFO GIS, Y increases with latitude and X increases with longitude eastwards. Thus we choose the sign in (49) to be +ive and the sign in (48) to be -ive.

John Carter
Fri Feb 21 14:23:22 SAT 1997