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Very simplified version for analytic solution.

Referring to equation 1, and figure 10, assume two equal sized square sided cells. Thus the areas tex2html_wrap_inline3147 and the levels tex2html_wrap_inline3149, where tex2html_wrap_inline3151 is the volume of the i'th cell.

Figure 10: Two square sided cells of equal area.

So the flow from cell 1 to cell 2 is ...


Assuming no in or out flows, only the inter-cell gravity link...

Placing this in matrix form...

Now find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the matrix so that one can diagonalize the matrix. An eigenvalue tex2html_wrap_inline3155 of a matrix B and its corresponding eigenvector tex2html_wrap_inline3157 is defined to be such tex2html_wrap_inline3159.

Thus the determinant of tex2html_wrap_inline3161 must be zero, this gives you the characteristic polynomial tex2html_wrap_inline3163

Solving the characteristic polynomial, we get the eigenvalues tex2html_wrap_inline3165 and tex2html_wrap_inline3167. Using these to find the corresponding eigenvectors we get tex2html_wrap_inline3169 and tex2html_wrap_inline3171 thus we can diagonalize the matrix.


Perform a change of variable to variables that are basically the eigenvectors of the problem. ie let tex2html_wrap_inline3173 and tex2html_wrap_inline3175.

Thus tex2html_wrap_inline3177 is a constant of the system. (No surprise, this is just saying that tex2html_wrap_inline3177, the total volume of water in the system is conserved.)

And ...

Which is now an equation which we can solve...

Integrating both sides gives us...

Where K is an arbitrary constant of integration.

Taking the exponential of both sides and letting tex2html_wrap_inline3181 gives us...

Where tex2html_wrap_inline3183 is an arbitrary constant of integration to be determined by boundary conditions.

Now reversing the substitution of variables we have...



Now at time t=0 we have...


Solving for the constants tex2html_wrap_inline3177 and tex2html_wrap_inline3183 we get...


Figure 11: The volumes in two linked cells reach common level. The parameters are chosen to be similar to the North Lake cell.

Which finally gives us the exact analytic solution for this trivialised problem. See figure 11 for a graphical representation.

Volume of two linked square sided cells of equal area.


So what can we learn from the solution?

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John Carter
Tue Jun 17 09:50:07 SAT 1997