Geographical Information and Archiving (GI&A) is responsible for GIS data management in the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) and has the following units/teams
Data Processing unit/team
This unit is responsible for
Data Base management unit/team
It is the responsibility of this unit/team to
Data Co-ordination and digital data dissemination unit/team
This unit/team is responsible for
Acquiring data sets required by users (within budget constraints),
Liaise with departmental GIS users and the larger GIS community,
Manage copyright and licensing agreements
Digital data dissemination
Liaise with the Database Management team and IT
Archive digital GIS data
Cartographic Services unit/team
It is the responsibility of this unit/team to
Compile maps for departmental decision makers
To compile digital map services for publication on the Intra and Internet
To provide cartographic guidelines for maps that are produced by departmental GIS users
Aerial Surveillance and Map Library and Shop
The Map Library and Map Shop
Disseminates/Distributes hard copy orthophotos, aerial photography and maps sourced from the Chief Directorate: Surveys and Mapping (CD:S&M) and within the Department
Archives hardcopy orthophotos, maps and aerial photography