Technicians in this category are - independent of, in co-operation with or in
support of engineers and professional personnel, concerned with the surveying as
well as the gathering and processing of aerial, remotely sensed and terrestrial
survey data and the interpretation thereof according to the discipline:
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Stereoscopic observations and interpretation
thereof are done by precision photogrammetric- instrument measurements utilising
aerial and terrestrial photography. Accurate map production is done by means of
CAD-assisted Wild A7, A8 stereoplotters, a Wild BC2- PC analytical
stereoplotter, two VIRTUOZO digital photogrammetry systems and a Usmart Softcopy
(digital photogrammetric) system. Microstation CAD is utilised to gather and
process digital map data. The maps produced are used in the planning and
designing of new dams, canals and pipelines, rehabilitation of mine dumps and
other water supply and sanitation projects as well as for the development of
irrigation schemes and for the supply of bulk water to Industry. Photogrammetry
is also utilised to support GIS in gathering large scale accurate DTM’s of dam
basins for catchment analysis purposes.
In addition to the standard black and white aerial photography used for most
mapping projects, colour, false colour and colour infra-red photography can be
supplied and utilised for mapping and interpretive purposes, e.g. water
pollution control. Information is also gathered using other remotely sensed
data, namely satellite imagery. The data gathered in this manner is used
primarily for the mapping and evaluation of water use and irrigation, done on a
regional as opposed to local level. This is extremely useful for determining
lawful water use, for abstraction control and for the monitoring of the
licensing process.