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Technical reports archive

Partial listing of the HRI technical report series

By 1990, the Department of Water and Sanitation had produced about 150 technical reports in the "TR" series. Some paper copies still exist: contact The Librarian, Resource Quality Services to check availability.
Where reports are avaliable in PDF format, the links are shown in dark blue (note that some scanned files may be quite large). Certain Technical Notes and other archival material are also available.

TR5 The effect of conservation farming practices on run-off from a semi-arid catchment.J.S. Whitmore 1959
TR10 Problems encountered in connection with stream flow measurements in South Africa. A.L. Rabie 1960
TR17 Methods of evaluating the influence of land use on run-off from a catchment.J.S. Whitmore 1960
TR18 Grondwatervoorrade in die Republiek van Suid Afrika en die ontwikkeling, gebruik en beheer daarvan [Groundwater supplies in the Republic of South Africa and their development, use and control]. J.F. Enslin 1960
TR23 The Hydrological Cycle past present and future. J.S. Whitmore 1961
TR27 Some aspects of the hydrology of semi arid regions - IUGG and WMO Symposium on Hydrological Aspects of Drought. J.S. Whitmore 1963
TR35 Evaluation of drought conditions in the northern regions of South Africa. Basic Research Section 1965
TR39 Effects of catchment management on river flow characteristics.J.S. Whitmore 1967
TR40 The influence of locality factors on mean annual rainfall. J.S. Whitmore1967
TR54 Land-use planning to improve water yield of catchments.J.S. Whitmore 1975
TR56 Fisiese en chemiese eienskappe van damme in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika [Physical and chemical properties of dams in the Republic of South Africa] [without appendices].J.M. Schutte, H.H. Bosman 1973
TR62 Open Channel Fluid Mechanics
(i) Open channel flow resistance
(ii) Sediment transport in terms of power concepts.
A. Rooseboom 1974
TR65 The influence of changing landuse on inflow to reservoirs.J.S. Whitmore, P.C. Reid 1975
TR66 Remote sensing techniques applied to salinity problems of part of the Pongola Government Water Scheme.H.P. Mulder, P.C. Reid 1975
TR67 Water use efficiency of a winter wheat crop.P.C. MacReid 1976
TR72 The radiation balance over natural surfaces.H. Maaren 1977
TR73 Prediction of potential evaporation losses from a natural surface area.H. Maaren 1977
TR74 Some applications of energy exchange principles in hydrology.H. Maaren 1977
TR76 The development of a morphometric model for the estimation of mean annual sediment yield in ungauged catchments of South African river systems.P.J.T. Roberts 1975
TR77 Quantitative estimation of groundwater recharge with special reference to the use of natural radioactive isotopes and hydrological simulation. (90Mb)D.B. Bredenkamp1978
TR78 Proposed mathematical model for the estimation of the areal properties of high-intensity short-duration storms. H.J. Dixon 1977
TR79 Die beplanning van 'n optimale riviervloeimeetstasienetwerk vir S.A. [The planning of an optimal river flow gauging station network for South Africa]A.H.H. Muller 1977
TR80 Long range prediction of river flow: A preliminary assessment. W.J.R. Alexander 1978
TR81 An investigation into possible changes in the water balance of the Pongola River catchment induced by land management. Wendy Elizabeth Redman 1974
TR82 The analysis of areal rainfall using multi-quadric surfaces. P.T. Adamson 1978
TR83 Estimation potential total evapotranspiration with the Penman-equation for different vegetation covers for use in catchment management models H. Maaren 1978
TR84 Bekamping van die invloed van veroudering van watermonsters [Measures to control the ageing of water samples].D.C. Grobler, C.A. Bruwer, H. Van Vliet 1978
TR85 The chemical composition of water and the analytical chemist - A challenge W.H.J. Hattingh 1979
TR86 The statistics of extreme values and the analysis of floods in South Africa. P.T. Adamson 1978
TR88 Documentation of the January 1978 floods in Pretoria and in the Crocodile River catchment.Z.P. Kovacs 1978
TR89 Notes on some unsolved problems in river flow.W.J.R. Alexander1979
TR90 Numerical techniques for function minimisation. B.H. Gilding, J.S. Du Toit 1979
TR91 The finite element method and an appraisal of a mathematical model of the Rawsonville-Goudini aquifer. B.H. Gilding, W.R.G. Orpen 1978
TR92 Waterverbruik deur water hiasinte [The water consumption of water hyacinths] (Eichhornia crassipes).A. Gerber 1979
TR94 The economic impact of eutrophication in South Africa.C.A. Bruwer 1979
TR95 Guide to the use of herbicides on aquatic plants. D.J. Steyn, W.E. Scott, P.J. Ashton, F.S. Vivier1979
TR96 Soil survey of the experimental catchments near Bethlehem. H. Maaren 1979
TR97 Operation of the storage reservoirs in the Pietermaritzburg-Durban region to reduce eutrophication.I. Pearson1979
TR98 Model Flexifit : A conceptual rainfall runoff model for the extension of monthly runoff records.P.J.T. Roberts 1979
TR99 Pumping test analysis when the pumped well intercepts a vertical fracture .B.H.T. Gilding 1979
TR100 The toxicology of silver iodide in relation to its use as a cloud seeding agent.P.L. Kempster 1979
TR101 Health implications of using bitumen, coal-tar, asbestos and plastic materials in water distribution systems.P.L. Kempster 1979
TR102 Southern African storm rainfall (without appendix A and B). Appendix A (66Mb), Appendix B (11Mb). P.T. Adamson1981
TR104'n Identifikasiemetode vir die identifisering van dispersiewe gronde [A method for identifying dispersive soils]. F.A. Gerber, D.S. Grobler1980
TR105 Maximum flood peak discharge in South Africa. An empirical approach.Z.P. Kovacs 1980
TR106 Common algae found in South African impoundments.S.N. Shillinglaw1980
TR107 Bacteriological quality of the river waters of the Roodeplaat Dam catchment.D.P. Sartory 1980
TR108 Summarized water quality criteria.P.L. Kempster, W.H.J. Hattingh, H.R. Van Vliet1980
TR111Energy aspects of water use efficiency.P.C. McRobert-Reid
TR113Workshop on the effect of rural land-use and catchment management on water resourcesH. Maaren (Ed.)1981
TR114Water year + 10 and then?W.H.J. Hattingh (Ed.)1981
B-N3/0501 Report on: Surface water quality of drainage region 300.P.L. Kempster1982
TR115 Spectrophotometric analysis of chlorophyll a in freshwater phytoplankton.D.P. Sartory 1982
TR116 Documentation of the January 1981 floods in the South Western Cape.Z.P. Kovacs 1983
TR117Point and diffuse source phosphorus loading of rivers and impoundments in the Durban-Pietermaritzburg Region.Dallas Anne Kröger 1981
TR118 The Bethlehem run-off augmentation research project: Past, present and future.S. Mason-Williams 1984
TR119South African National Hydrological Symposium - Proceedings.H. Maaren (Ed) 1984
TR120 Documentation of the March-May 1981 floods in the South Eastern Cape.D.B. du Plessis1984
TR121An Assessment of Water Related Problems of the Vaal River between Barrage and Douglas Weir.C.A. Bruwer, H.R. Van Vliet, D.P. Sartory, P.L. Kempster
TR122 Documentation of the 1984 Domoina Floods.Z.P. Kovacs, D.P. Du Plessis, P.R. Bracher, P. Dunn, G.C.L. Mallory1985
TR123'n Evaluering van die fisies-chemiese eienskappe van dispersiewe grond en die metodes vir identifisering van dispersiewe grond [An evaluation of the physico-chemical properties of dispersive soils and methods for identifying dispersive soil].F.A. Gerber
TR124A comparison of methods to determine nutrient limitation in impoundments.L. Rossouw
TR125The estimation of phytoplankton biomass in freshwater.S.G. Young1986
TR126Manual for the planning, design and operation of river gauging stations.J.J. Van Heerden, D. Van Der Spuy, P. J. Le Roux
TR127'n Ondersoek na die rol van Soöplankton in Roodeplaatdam [An investigation of the rôle of zooplankton in Roodeplaat Dam].C.E. Van Ginkel1983
TR128 Landsat water quality surveillance - development of the model CALMCAT [ (Monochrome 7Mb)] [ (Colour 17Mb)] [ (Print 67Mb)] A.H. Howman, P.L. Kempster1986
TR129Estuarine and lake freshwater requirements.W.A. Jezewski, Dr C.P. Roberts1986
TR130Application of inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy in the analysis of environmental samples.P.L. Kempster1986
TR131 Surface water quality of South Africa. The Vaal River catchment: 1979 to 1983.H.R. Van Vliet, U. Nell1986
TR131 Surface water quality of South Africa. The Vaal River catchment: 1979 to 1983. Map.H.R. Van Vliet, U. Nell1986
TR132Dokumentasie van die 1979-vloed in die Oranje- en Groot Visrivier [Documentation of the 1979 floods in the Orange and Great Fish rivers].D.B. Du Plessis
TR133South African Rainfall Database.P.T. Adamson
TR134Water demands in the Vaal River supply area. Forecast to year 2025.Prof. D.C. Midgley
TR135 An aid to identification of the dominant and commonly occurring genera of algae in some South African impoundments.E. Truter1987
TR136 Analytical methods manual.H.R. van Vliet, P.L. Kempster, D.P. Sartory, F.A. Gerber, I.J. Schoonraad1988
TR137 Regional maximum flood peaks in South Africa [5Mb].Z. Kovaćs1988
TR139 Documentation of the September 1987 Natal floods [64Mb] [ OCR 140Mb].D. van Bladeren, C.E. Burger1989
TR141Nuwe nommers vir meetstasies, meetpunte en stelsels sowel as vir data en inligting [New numbers for gauging stations, monitoring points and systems as well as for data and information] [OCR].R.D. McDonald1989
TR143 Phosphorus transport in the Berg River, Western Cape.A.J. Bath1989
TR??? Edwards 1989 Groundwater quality Cape Flats groundwater development pilot abstraction scheme.G.W. Edwards1989
TR144A comparison of satellite data types and techniques for mapping irrigated land.U.W. Lourens1990
TR145Surface water quality of South Africa 1979-1988. Volume 1 [not available]--
TR145Surface water quality of South Africa 1979-1988. Volume 2: Drainage region A and B. TDS, SAR, pH and PO4.M. van Veelen, U. Nell, W. F. Geldenhuys1990
TR145Surface water quality of South Africa 1979-1988. Volume 3: Drainage region C and D. TDS, SAR, pH and PO4.W. F. Geldenhuys, U. Nell, M. van Veelen1990
TR145Surface water quality of South Africa 1979-1988. Volume 4: Drainage region E, F, G and H. TDS, SAR, pH and PO4.W. F. Geldenhuys, U. Nell, M. van Veelen1991
TR145Surface water quality of South Africa 1979-1988. Volume 5: Drainage regions J to S. TDS, SAR, pH and PO4.W. F. Geldenhuys, U. Nell, M. van Veelen1991
TR145Surface water quality of South Africa 1979-1988. Volume 6: Drainage regions T, U, V, W and X. TDS, SAR, pH and PO4.W. F. Geldenhuys, U. Nell, M. van Veelen1991
TR146Water quality data inventory. Volume 1: Drainage regions A, B, C, D, E, F.S. J. Swart, M. van Veelen, U. Nell1991
TR146Water quality data inventory. Volume 2: Drainage regions G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X.S. J. Swart, M. van Veelen, U. Nell1991
TR149Flow requirements of Kruger National Park rivers.C. A. Bruwer (editor)1991
TR151Analytical Methods Manual.J. E. Badenhorst, E. Davies, P. L. Kempster, P. Kyriacou, I. J. Schoonraad, E. Truter, and H. van Vliet1992

S.9 Excerpt from "Silt calculations, Sundays River. File S.9 N2M02, Pretoria, Irrigation Department"Irrigation Department 1936 - 1940
TN22 Map from "Silt in South African Rivers. Professional Paper 16, Pretoria, Irrigation Department"L.A. MacKenzie 1949
TN22 Die berekening van stroomvloei by opgaardamme [The calculation of streamflow at storage dams]R. D. McDonald 1972
TN25 Besproeiing uit boorgate [Irrigation from boreholes]G. du T. de Villiers 1970
TN35 Reservoir operation during drought periodsW. J. R. Alexander 1973
TN38 Proposed programme for monitoring pollutants in the water environmentW. J. R. Alexander 1972
TN39 Water supply from river sand: Limpopo River at MessinaM. P. Mulder 1973
TN61 PrecipitationJ.S. Whitmore 1976
TN62 Factors controlling the precipitation / water yield relationshipJ. Whitmore 1976
TN74 Verslag oor die ondersoek na die oorsake van die hoë nitraat inhoud van die ondergrondse water in sekere dele van die Springbokvlakte [Report on an investigation into the causes of the high nitrate content of the groundwater in certain parts of the Springbok Flats].D.C. Grobler 1976
TN80A Spatial variation in water quality at selected weirs in the Vaal and Harts River systems. D.C. Grobler, L.R. Gravelét-Blondin ~1977

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Last update of this page 2020-01-28 09:24