In late 2003 the Department initiated the
Groundwater Phase 2 Project, which is aimed
at the quantification of the groundwater resources of South Africa on a national
scale. The project has been carried out by a consortium of consultants comprising
SRK Consulting, GEOSS, WSM and CSIR (SGWC) in close collaboration with key DWA personnel
and was completed in June 2005. Algorithms have been developed for the estimation
of storage, recharge, baseflow and the impact of the reserve and present groundwater
used has been recorded. The results, in addition to methodology, include several valuable datasets and maps and will provide input to various levels of planning
and management of water resources.
The data, information and paper copies of technical reports can be obtained from
The Executive Summary of GRA II Reports is available online.
The following documents are available on request -
- Task 1A: Approaches to quantifying groundwater, 4 March 2004
- Task 1BC: Groundwater Quantification, 10 October 2004
- Task 1D: Groundwater Quantification, 9 February 2006
- Task 2A: GW Planning Potential, 27 February 2003
- Task 2B: GW Potential Planning Map Report, 12 November 2004
- Task 2C: Groundwater Planning Potential, 24 February 2006
- Task 3aA: Recharge Literature Review Report, 17 June 2004
- Task 3aB: Recharge – Data set Identification and Validation Report, 4 August 2004
- Task 3aC: Methodology, 24 February 2006
- Task 3aD: Recharge Threshold Values, 20 February 2006
- Task 3aE: Recharge Final Report, 20 June 2006
- Task 3bA: Water Interactions, 31 May 2005
- Task 3bB: Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction Data Sets, 25 May 2005
- Task 3bC: Water Interactions, 1 October 2004
- Task 3bD: Surface Water Interactions Design and Population of Database, 19 Jaunuary
- Task 3bE: Surface Water Interactions, 5 May 2005
- Task 4A: Methodology for Classification Inception Report, 11 February 2005
- Task 4B: Methodology for Classification Final Report, 1 June 2005
- Task 5A: Groundwater Use, 22 June 2004
- Task 5B: Data Dictionary, 17 June 2004
- Task 5C: Groundwater Use, 17 June 2004
- Task 5D: Methodology, 18 June 2004
- Task 5E: Groundwater Use, 18 June 2004