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Directorate: National Hydrological Services
Private Bag X313
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Groundwater Home

Groundwater Offices

Data Management



Groundwater Dictionary





National Office - Pretoria

Address: Private Bag X313, Pretoria, 0001

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Directorate: National Hydrological Services

* Mr. Z Maswuma Director +27 12 336-8784 maswumaz@dws.gov.za

  • Geohydrological Monitoring and Assessment (GMA)

* Mr. F Ramusiya Scientific Manager (Grade A) +27 12 336-7309 ramusiyaf@dws.gov.za
* Dr P Fuku Production Scientist (Grade A) +27 12 336-8174
+27 66 587-3656

  • Geohydrological Information Services

* Dr L Lalumbe Scientific Manager (Grade A) +27 12 336-8282
+27 60 471-9979
Groundwater Data Management
* Dr P Fuku Production Scientist (Grade A) +27 12 336-8174
+27 66 587-3656
Groundwater Data Quality Audit
* Ms. O de Beer Production Scientist (Grade C) +27 12 336-8125 debeero@dws.gov.za

  • Directorate: Water Resource Management Planning

* Dr. B Mwaka Director +27 12 336-8188 mwakab@dws.gov.za
Integrated Hydrological Planning  
* Mr. S Mndaweni Scientist Manager (Grade A) +27 12 336-8764 mndawenis@dws.gov.za
* Mr. F Fourie Scientist Manager (Grade B) +27 12 336-7303 fourief@dws.gov.za

  • Directorate: Reserve Determination

Groundwater Reserve Determination (GWRD)
* Mr. Y Atwaru Acting Chief Director +27 12 336-7816 atwaruy@dws.gov.za
* Mr. K Majola Scientific Manager (Grade A) +27 12 336-7105 majolak@dws.gov.za

  • Water Resource Classification (WRC)

* Ms. A Okonkwo Scientist Manager (Grade A) +27 12 336-7038 okonkwoa@dws.gov.za

  • Resource Protection & Waste

* Ms. R Mazwi Director +27 12 336-7554 mazwir@dws.gov.za

Eastern Cape - East London

Address: Private Bag X7019, East London, 5200

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Directorate: Water Resource Support

* Ms. B Kama Director +27 43 701-0376 kamab@dws.gov.za

  • Geohydrological Services

   Groundwater Section
* Mr. SI Dube Production Scientist +27 43 701-0262 dubes@dws.gov.za

Eastern Cape - Port Elizabeth

Address: Private Bag X6041, Port Elizabeth

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Directorate: Water Resource Support

* Ms. B Kama Director +27 43 701-0376 kamab@dws.gov.za

  • Geohydrological Services

   Groundwater Section
* Mr. SI Dube Production Scientist +27 43 701-0262 dubes@dws.gov.za

Eastern Cape - Umtata

Address: Private Bag X5296, Umtata, 5100

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Directorate: Water Resource Support

* Ms. B Kama Director +27 43 701-0376 kamab@dws.gov.za

  • Geohydrological Services

   Groundwater Section
* Mr. D. Mbata Production Scientist +27 47 531-4216 sekoatengp@dws.gov.za

Free State - Bloemfontein

Address: PO Box 528, Bloemfontein, 9300

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Directorate: Proto-CMA

* Mr. SV Dywili Director +27 51 405-9000 dywilis@dws.gov.za

* Mr. M Biyela Scientist Manager (Grade A) +27 51 405-9000 biyelam@dws.gov.za

Gauteng - Pretoria

Address: Private Bag X995, Pretoria, 0001

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Resource Protection & Waste

Directorate: Water Planning & Information
* Ms. N Mabe Director +27 12 392-1399 maben@dws.gov.za
* Mrs. Z Peteni-Kave Scientific Manager +27 12 392-1401 zimkithap@dwa.gov.za

  • Water Quality Programmes

Water Quality
* Mr. A Shibambo Scientist (Grade B) +27 12 392-1349 shibamboa@dws.gov.za

KwaZulu-Natal - Durban

Address: Private Bag X54304, Durban, 4000

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Directorate: Water Resource Support

* Mr. M Singh Director +27 31 336-2748 singhm@dws.gov.za

  • Data Management (Hydrology and Geohydrology)

* Mr. B Pillay Control Engineering Technologist +27 31 336-2830 pillayb@dws.gov.za

Limpopo - Polokwane

Address: Private Bag X9506, Polokwane, 0700                     

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Directorate: Planning and Information

* Ms. M Komape Regional Director +27 15 290-1462 komapem@dws.gov.za

  • Water Resource Information Management (WRIM)

Water Resource Information
* Mr. K.F. Netili Scientist Manager
(Grade B)
+27 82 047-8685 netilik@dws.gov.za
Water and Geotechnical Drilling
* Mr. H Wolmarans Artisan Foreman
(Grade B)
+27 60 980-3336 wolmaransh@dws.gov.za
Groundwater Monitoring
* Ms. O.T. Makonto Scientist Manager (Grade A) +27 15 290-1486 makontoo@dws.gov.za
Groundwater Assessment
* Mr. S.M. Maoko Control Scientific
+27 82 805-4457 maokos@dws.gov.za

Mpumalanga - Nelspruit

Address: Private Bag X11259, Nelspruit, 1200

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Directorate: Water Planning and Information

* Mr. S Kheva Director +27 13 759-7313 khevas@dws.gov.za

  • Water Sector Information Acquisition Management - Geohydrology

* Mrs. M Ralushai Scientific Manager +27 13 759-7524 ralushaim@dws.gov.za

Groundwater Water Resource Management
* Ms. K Mashava Production Scientist (Grade A) +27 13 759-7518 mashavak@dws.gov.za

Northern Cape - Kimberley

Address: Private Bag X6101, Kimberley, 8300

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Directorate: Water Regulation & Use

* Mr. G van Dyk Director +27 53 830-8802 vandykg@dws.gov.za

  • Directorate: Water Resource Support

* Mr. K Streuders Director +27 53 830-8800 streudersk@dws.gov.za

  • Water Information Management - Groundwater

* Mr. O Thebe Control Engineering Technician
(Grade C)
+27 53 836-8815 thebeo@dws.gov.za
* Mr. J Makhetha Scientist Production (Grade C) +27 53 800-8813 makhetj@dws.gov.za

Northern Cape - Upington

Address: Private Bag X5912, Upington, 8800

  • Directorate: Water Resource Support

* Mr. K Streuders Director +27 53 830-8800 streudersk@dws.gov.za

  • Water Information Management - Groundwater

* Mr. D Potgieter Control Scientific Technician
(Grade A)
+27 54 338-2800 potgieterd@dws.gov.za

North West Province - Mmabatho

Address: Private Bag X5, Mmabatho, 2735

* Contact person for inquiries

  • • Directorate: Planning and Information

* Mr. V.S. Qwabe Director +27 18 387-9508 qwabev@dws.gov.za
Water Information Management
* Mr. I Mokino Deputy Director +27 18 387-9558 mokinoi@dws.gov.za
Resource Protection
* Ms. R Mpe Scientist Production +27 18 387-9550 mper@dws.gov.za


  • Directorate: Water Regulation and Use

* Mr. J Maluleke Director +27 12 392-1409 malulekej@dws.gov.za

  • Directorate: Institutional Establishment

* Ms. W Ralekoa Director +27 12 318-0500 ralekoaw@dws.gov.za

  • Water Resource Management

* Mr. R Botha Chief Engineer +27 12 392-1308 bothar@dws.gov.za

Western Cape - Cape Town

Address: Private Bag X16, Sanlamhof, 75327532

* Contact person for inquiries

  • Directorate: Water Resources Support

* Mr. M Mnisi Director +27 21 941-6120 mnisim2@dws.go.za

  • Water Sector Data Management - Geohydrology

Western Cape Groundwater Manager
* Mr. M Mnisi Director +27 21 941-6120 mnisim2@dws@dws.gov.za
Data Management
* Mr. M Mnisi Director +27 21 941-6120 mnisim2@dws@dws.gov.za
Information: Olifants / Doorn Water Management Area
* Mr. A van Niekerk Scientist Production  (Grade B) +27 21 941-6211 vanniekerka@dws.gov.za
Information: Berg Water Management Area
* Mr. A Lambani Technician Production (Grade B) +27 21 941-6232 lambania@dws.gov.za
Information: Breede Water Management Area
* Ms. K van Niekerk Scientist Production  (Grade A) +27 21 941-6066 vanniekerkk@dws.gov.za
Information: Gouritz Water Management Area
* Mr. M Jacobs Scientist Production (Grade B) +27 21 941-6254 jacobsm@dws.gov.za
Information: Western Cape Data Control and Dissemination
* Ms. R Peters Control Auxillary Services Officer +27 21 941-6203 petersr@dws.gov.za

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