Several map series are produced by the Department of which the Groundwater Level Maps are available online.
Maps in the other series are available in hardcopy only and can be ordered from
the Directorate: National Hydrological Services (see details on the
Published maps
Hydrogeological Map Series
The completed set of maps for the 1 : 500 000 scale
hydrogeological map series (21 map sheets) are available from Department National
Office. The maps are available in hardcopy at a cost of R50 each. For
some of the maps, brochures
have already been published and are also available at R50 each. The presentation on 1 : 2 000 000 scale of the 21 Hydrogeological maps is available from Department National Office. Details of
the current status of the mapping project
are also available.
Harvest Potential Map Series
The Groundwater Harvest Potential Map
is the first attempt to provide quantitative information on sustainable rates of
groundwater abstraction in South Africa on a country-wide basis.
Hydrogeological Regions
The map of hydrogeological regions (JR Vegter, 2001) is available only in hardcopy.
Please order from the Directorate: National Hydrological Services.