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Water quality monitoring sites grouped by 19 water management areas

Google Earth logo

Choose the appropriate link to view the sites for a Water Management Area.

Google Maps links work on most newer browsers. (Google Maps links are temperamental: please report any problems).

Google Earth links require that Google Earth be installed on your computer. If necessary, download and install the free Google Earth application.

Depending on the configuration of Google Earth on your computer, you may need to save the KMZ files at the links below on your computer before opening them. You may need to adjust the pointers on the Google Earth time slider in order to see all sites.

Plain tables work on just about anything.

The data choices are:

Icon markers: Marks sites according to type (Google Earth opens with all sites selected ■).
Maucha markers: Places Maucha ionic marker symbols at each site (Google Earth opens with no sites selected □).
Boreholes: Thousands of borehole sites (Google Earth opens with no sites selected □).
(The Maucha and borehole selections are memory-intensive, which is why they give users the option to select the sites or areas of interest. Spring and eye sites are in the surface water lists.)

The most common problem is the time slider spanning the wrong dates.

Google Earth, no boreholesGoogle Earth with boreholesTabular view
Icon markersMaucha markersIcon markersMaucha markersNo boreholesBoreholes
Limpopo (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Limpopo (bore)
Luvuvhu and Letaba (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Luvuvhu and Letaba (bore)
Crocodile West and Marico (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Crocodile West and Marico (bore)
Olifants (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Olifants (bore)
Inkomati (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Inkomati (bore)
Usutu to Mhlatuze (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Usutu to Mhlatuze (bore)
Thukela (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Thukela (bore)
Upper Vaal (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Upper Vaal (bore)
Middle Vaal (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Middle Vaal (bore)
Lower Vaal (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Lower Vaal (bore)
Mvoti to Umzimkulu (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Mvoti to Umzimkulu (bore)
Mzimvubu to Keiskamma (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Mzimvubu to Keiskamma (bore)
Upper Orange (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Upper Orange (bore)
Lower Orange (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Lower Orange (bore)
Fish to Tsitsikamma (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Fish to Tsitsikamma (bore)
Gouritz (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Gouritz (bore)
Olifants-Doorn (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Olifants-Doorn (bore)
Breede (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Breede (bore)
Berg (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) Berg (bore)
No region (Maucha) (bore) (bore-Maucha) No region (bore)
Please report problems with this viewer and make suggestions for improvements to: Michael Silberbauer.

Last update of this page 2015-12-15 12:31
This site should work on most browsers. Please send comments to the webmaster